Erica Jong Claims Bush Knew About Osama bin Laden’s 9/11 Plans

April 2nd, 2006 5:06 PM

Erica Jong, author of the books “Fear of Flying” and “Seducing the Demon,” was on HBO’s “Real Time” with Bill Maher Friday night. During the proceedings, Jong claimed that President Bush was aware of the pre-planning for 9/11, and intentionally did nothing to avert the attacks (hat tip to Ian Schwartz of Expose the Left with video link to follow). After Maher showed the famous picture of then White House chief of staff Andy Card telling the president that the nation had been attacked – a picture that Maher quipped “should be on the one dollar bill” – Jong said, “I account for the seven minutes by the fact that he wasn’t surprised, because he knew all about the planning for 9/11.”

Maher interjected incredulously, “Oh, come on. That’s ridiculous.” Now, this is an interesting moment on cable television – a Bush-hating guest on “Real Time” making an anti-Bush statement that Bill Maher doesn’t agree with. In fact, Maher was so opposed to this theory that he continued to admonish Jong: “That’s a scurrilous thing to say. I don’t like George Bush, but you’re telling me he knew the attack was going to happen?”

Amazingly, Jong continued undeterred: “Well, there are many people who are theorizing that he knew about it.” And continued: “He got briefs, he got presidential briefs that said Osama bin Laden wants to attack.”

Maher interjected, “Yes, we know he’s not a good president. But that’s a big difference.”

Potentially this should be the new litmus test for extreme liberal media bias – when even Bill Maher thinks your views are absurd.

Video Link courtesy of Expose the Left