WATCH: MRC Leader Brent Bozell Says The Media Turned on Biden Because He Was 'Toast'

July 22nd, 2024 4:16 PM

To address the sudden withdrawal of President Biden from the 2024 race, MRC founder and president Brent Bozell appeared on the Fox Business program Varney & Co. on Monday. He said "The media made Biden, the media broke Biden, and the media got rid of Biden." Why? Because "he was toast."

"Look who's here! Brent Bozell," said Varney. "You said, 'The media made Biden.' So, why did they abandon him?" Bozell said it wasn't about Biden's dwindling abilities to do the job. It was all about the dwindling prospects of a Biden-Harris victory. 

BOZELL:You know, think about this -- this is kind of interesting, Stuart. Joe Biden was the first Democratic nominee or incumbent who the media didn’t support, going back to Lyndon Johnson [in 1968]. If you do your history, in every single campaign that the Democrats have run, they’ve had the full-throated support of the media. This was the first time that the media chucked the Democratic candidate over the side. 

So it was guaranteed – and I said it on your show a few weeks ago, when you asked me. I told you he was done the moment the media turned on him. Why’d they turn on him? Because they didn’t have any use for him, because they saw the reality that the guy is falling apart. And by the way, Stuart, they saw that reality months and months ago, so–to the degree that there–there is this attitude, now, that, “Oh, he can’t run, he can’t run.” What hypocrites! They knew it months ago and they were supporting him months ago. But when the whole world saw it and they couldn’t hide it, that's when they said, “It's time to go.”

Varney agreed that when the polls "started to go all in Trump's favor, especially in the swing states, that's when they turned and said, “Hey, we’ve gotta change.” Bozell agreed that he couldn't improve from there. 

BOZELL: There’s no way! He couldn’t win a debate #2. He couldn’t pick up where he was losing in states. The paths for victory were getting ever-wider for Donald Trump. He was toast! And they knew it. So, they threw him aside. It's really gonna be interesting now, because how in the world–what is there to support in Cackling Kamala? I don't know how they’re gonna get behind her because she is gonna–she’s gonna be terrible on the–on the national stage. 

Varney then pointed out "as soon as Biden dropped out, Obama praised him as a great president. Now, that’s an about-face but somewhat hypocritical, isn’t it? ‘Cause they're not exactly close friends, these guys." Bozell replied: 

BOZELL: No, you know, but call it guilt, on the part of the media, for having thrown him overboard. Now, they're suddenly – they’re all praising him about what a wonderful president he was, and how consequential he was. Look, he’s gonna go – Joe Biden was never in charge of his administration. This was Obama 3.0 that was running the shot. He never amounted to anything. I think he’s gonna go down as–his administration will go down as a complete failure. But I think he's gonna go down as, perhaps, one of the most inconsequential presidents in American history.

VARNEY: Ouch! That’s a harsh judgment. Thanks for joining us, Brent. We always like to see you on the show and today was an important day. Brent Bozell, everyone.