Anti-gun movie actor Jim Carrey could have been mistaken for a member of Occupy Wall Street on Friday as he took to Twitter to give his two cents on the recent defacing of the Lincoln Memorial: "Green paint on Lincoln memorial. Ppl are getting tired of corporate tyranny disguised as democracy."
Carrey's far-left declaration should come as no surprise to those who have been paying attention to his Tweets in recent months. Earlier in 2013, he went on a pro-gun control bender:
First, he slammed gun rights advocates as "heartless motherf–s", and the following day, he vulgarly berated deceased Hollywood star Charlton Heston as he continued his vendetta against Second Amendment supporters.
Later, Carrey disowned his own movie, Kick Ass 2, which hasn't even come out yet, because of the apparent excessive amount of violent content. "I did Kickass a month b4 Sandy Hook and now in all good conscience I cannot support that level of violence."
One wonders if he thinks his studio executive neighbors' multi-millionaire donations to various left-of-center political causes counts as part of the "corporate tyranny."