MSNBC's Katy Tur: George Washington a 'Native Son of New York'

February 19th, 2019 9:08 AM

Barack Obama is going to have to school Katy Tur on the famous sons of all the 57 states . . . 

If ever there were a famous Virginian, it is George Washington. Born and raised in Virginia, Mount Vernon was, of course, his historic home. 

Yet somehow, a confused Katy Tur has claimed that Washington was a "native son of New York." Her embarrassing gaffe occurred today on MSNBC, as Tur handed off the MTP Daily hour to Ari Melber and The Beat.



KATY TUR: The Beat with Ari Melber starts right now.

ARI MELBER: Hi, Katy. I wanted to wish you a happy Presidents Day.

TUR: You know, it is George Washington Day here in New York, unlike the rest of the country, because George Washington: native son of New York.

MELBER: Big up, big New Yorker. East Coast.

TUR: That's right.

MELBER: He was known as an East Coast one.

TUR: He was New York's big papa.

Melber seemed almost to agree with Tur, calling Washington a "big New Yorker." But he twice referred to Washington as an "East Coast" person. You sensed that perhaps Melber didn't want to humiliate his ill-informed colleague. Though Washington spent time in New York and enrolled his stepson in King’s College in New York City, he’s obviously not a “native.”

Keep this kind of mind-boggling ignorance in mind the next time you hear a member of the MSM condescending to Middle America.