MSNBC Sets Up Trump to Call Hillary 'In a Certain Way, Evil'

February 9th, 2016 8:41 AM

About to begin her word-asociation game about the other candidates with Donald Trump, Mika Brzezinski said "I'm scared to do this." Prescient on Mika's part. Because although Trump had been in a relatively light-hearted mood during his Morning Joe appearance today, things suddenly got deadly serious.

When it came time to give his word on Hillary, and despite having been reminded that she had attended his wedding, Trump said: "in a certain way evil."  Making clear it was no slip of the tongue, Trump repeated himself: "in a certain way, evil." Mika's "whoah!" in response probably spoke for the MSNBC least the Hillary fans.

When's the last time, if ever, an American candidate called a major opponent "evil?" Usually, candidates leave this up to the pundits, as in the routine mockery of Dick Cheney as an evil figure, from MSNBC hosts to PBS documentaries. 

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: I'm scared to do this, actually. So we've been doing with all the candidates word association before we go. This is making me very nervous.

PANELIST: Are you sure you want to do this after last night [after which Trump repeated someone in the crowd calling Ted Cruz a "pussy.]

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Yes, you do. 

MIKA: One word, Donald, okay? 

JOE: Or a phrase. 

MIKA: Jeb Bush. 


MIKA: Okay. 

JOE: What a coincidence [that's what Jeb called Trump].

MIKA: It's so funny you should say that. Marco Rubio. 

TRUMP: Confused. 

MIKA: Ted Cruz. 

TRUMP: I was going to say nasty. He's not really nasty, he has been really nice, he goes on and off. I'll say nasty. 

MIKA: Nasty. Okay. Hillary Clinton. 

JOE SCARBOROUGH: She went to your wedding. 

TRUMP: She did. She did. She did. In a certain way, evil. In a certain way, evil. 

MIKA: Whoa. Bill Clinton. 

TRUMP: Intelligent. 

MIKA: I mean, we should just stop there. I'm good. I'm good.