A very Merry Christmas to NewsBusters readers everywhere! Just out of curiosity, I took a look at the Google doodle for this Christmas Day. See below: it's bland, boring and above all, void of any reference at all to the holiday itself. I decided to have a look at the ways Google observed other days with its doodles. And sure enough, exactly one month to the day before Christmas Eve, Google celebrated "the 41st anniversary of the discovery of Lucy," she being the skeleton of a hominin found in Ethiopia.
Google's animated gif doodle shows a monkey walking on all fours, then an upright ape-like figure, and finally a tall, striding one. Evolution, baby! Evolutionists everywhere celebrate Lucy Discovery Day by huddling around their Origin of the Species first editions and adorning their bumpers with fish symbols with feet. Is Google worried about offending non-Christians with a true Christmas doodle? Then why not show similar concern for the sensibilites of creationists with its Lucy doodle?
I would suggest going in the opposite direction. If Google wants to be truly multi-cultural and celebrate diversity, why not create meaningful, unambiguous doodles for a range of holidays, from Christmas to Lucy to the Feast of Eid? To each his holiday!
Note: click here for the animated version of the Lucy Day doodle.