For the MSM, any excuse is good to push for ever-bigger government . . .
Take today's Good Morning America. ABC used a run-of-the-mill bank robbery story to blame a national increase in violent crime on "a lack of federal funding." View the video after the jump.
Reporter Tai Hernandez never identified the criminologists she alluded to, what kind of funding she was talking about, or how it could have stopped the armed robbers in question from walking into that Philadelphia bank. But who cares? The point was made: if there's a national problem, there should be a national solution. And who might be responsible for that "lack of federal funding"? Eee-vil Republicans, no doubt!
RON CLAIBORNE: The FBI is looking for help in tracking down three bank robbers. The suspects were caught on camera holding up a Philadelphia bank. ABC's Tai Hernandez has more on this.
TAI HERNANDEZ: This morning, police are on a manhunt to catch these three masked robbers, caught in this dramatic surveillance footage, robbing a Philadelphia-area bank in the middle of the day. . . It's not just Philly. It's all across the country. A recent survey by the Bureas of Justice Statistics shows violent crime has increased for the second year in a row. Criminologists say the lack of federal funding may play a key part. For Good Morning America, Tai Hernandez, ABC News, New York.