New York Times: Obama 'Misspoke' About Keeping Healthcare Plans

November 3rd, 2013 6:28 AM

MISSPEAK 1:  to speak (as a word) incorrectly 2:  to express oneself imperfectly or incorrectly [e.g., claims now that he misspoke himself]

In an editorial of today, the New York Times couldn't bring itself to say the simple truth: that President Obama lied when he repeatedly assured Americans that, under Obamacare, if they liked their healthcare insurance policies they would be able to keep them. The most the Times was able to admit was that [emphasis added throughout] "Mr. Obama clearly misspoke when he said that."  Misspoke.  Yes, of course.  As you see from the Merriam Webster definition above, the word does not imply any intent to deceive.  Indeed, as in the example Merriam Webster offers, to misspeak implies a lack of intent.  The editorial gets worse, as you'll see after the jump.

The Times editorial labors mightily from its collectivist/statist perspective to defend Obamacare.  The very title of the editorial reads: "Insurance Policies Not Worth Keeping."  Translation: you little people might imagine you like your policies.  But trust your enlightened betters: we're doing you a favor by forcing you to give them up.

And then there's this: "Many higher-income people who won’t qualify for subsidies, however, will have to buy policies providing more benefits than they want. Maternity care for those who will not have children is one sore point. But that is one price of moving toward universal coverage with comprehensive benefits."  

Translation: from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs!