TAMPA, Florida | To Republicans in the RNC convention hall last night, and surely to the majority of Americans watching at home regardless of their politics, Ann Romney came across as a warm, kind and caring woman.
But the editors of the New York Times occupy a very different universe. In a nasty piece of work this morning, editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal painted an ugly picture of Ann Romney. Using the most violent of metaphors, Rosenthal saw a woman who, of all things, had "slipped a knife into President Obama." More after the jump.
Rosenthal also managed to refer to mother-of-five Mrs. Romney as a "diva." Imagine the Times's outrage if a conservative ever dared to refer to First Lady Obama in such terms. Here's Rosenthal's reprehensible line:
"The genius of Mrs. Romney’s diva performance was the way she smiled so warmly as she delicately slipped the knife into President Obama."
Not only was Rosenthal's depiction vile and violent, it was so clearly at odds with the reality that those of us in the hall or watching at home saw and heard. Despicable.