Mike Huckabee went on Morning Joe today and toyed with suggesting a "conspiracy" composed of the "Washington power circles" was out to get him. At 7:41 AM ET, the former Arkansas governor was discussing his efforts in South Carolina with Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski.
View video here.
MIKE HUCKABEE: We're doing OK in South Carolina. We're up on television, we've got a good budget here, a good buy. We also have an extraordinary ground operation in South Carolina. I really believe we're going to win here; it makes sense for us to win here. We're working hard. We don't take anything for granted. Voters in South Carolina are very smart.
I don't think they're responding very well -- there's so much negative. There's a bunch of Washington special interest groups that are coming into town today [the Club for Growth and Freedom Works are holding a joint presser on the Huckabee record] to attack me. It's amazing. I'm the only guy who's just getting hammered from some of these special interest groups, and I think that'll really turn for me and against some of these folks. Because it's pretty obvious that, there's gotta be, almost this, I don't want to use the word conspiracy, but there's just an anxiety that exists in the Washington power circles about our candidacy.
"I don't want to use the word 'conspiracy'"? Little late for that, isn't it?
Michelle Malkin: "Ick."
Quin Hillyer at AmSpecBlog: "This isn't a conspiracy, it's a consensus."
AllahPundit: "Scratch the surface of any type of identity politics and you’ll find this logic underneath."