Four of the cartoons were not explicitly political [sex habits of the elderly, contaminated products from China, VA Tech shootings, Barry Bonds steroids scandal].
But of those that satirized political figures, all were Republicans or conservatives:
- Dick Cheney as a warrior from the movie "300" leading "the only ones left willing to defend the Bush administration."
- An angry, unshaven Fred Thompson unable to speak because of writers' strike.
- Larry Craig as a tap-dance performer.
- Dick Cheney as Darth Vader scaring Barack Obama by informing him they're distantly related.
- Jerry Falwell arriving at the Pearly Gates dismayed to find Tinky Winky at the reception desk.
As for Democrats, not a cartoon in sight. Guess nothing -- from Joe Biden's "clean and articulate" to Hillary's licenses-for-illegals to William Jefferson's "cold cash" to Harry-and-Nancy's inability to get anything done -- tickled Time's fancy.