But that didn't stop Tucker Carlson's two liberal guests this evening from taking potshots on religious grounds at President Bush and Mitt Romney.
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Liberal talk radio shot host Ed Schultz was first, mocking President Bush's faith:
ED SCHULTZ: [Huckabee] is juggling a couple of stories that are potentially dangerous to his campaign. Number one, this country has already been down the road of having a president that's real short on details and high on Jesus. We've had enough of that, OK?
A bit later, normally mild-mannered Dem strategist Peter Fenn took an ugly -- and flatly unfounded -- shot at Mitt Romney. The topic was Romney's scheduled speech of tomorrow regarding the relationship between politics and his Mormon faith.
PETER FENN: I think Romney's an empty suit. And this is where I disagree with Ed. Look, he is not going to call, Ed, for the separation of church and state tomorrow. In John Kennedy's speech in Houston, his quote was that the separation of church and state is absolute. That was the exact words he used. There's no way this guy is going to do this. He is walking a tightrope on this. And you know that latest poll is really interesting because it's the first one that really in depth has looked at people's feeling about religion. It found more people with concerns about Mormonism than voting for an atheist for president. Holy cow, I mean, that's pretty scary right now in this country.
He has to say "religion should be not a part of the political process." But he can't say that because he believes that religion should be a part of the political process.
Fortunately, Carlson was there to rectify what can only be seen as Fenn's smear.
TUCKER CARLSON: I don't think there's any evidence that Mitt Romney believes that religion ought to be part of the political process.