If you knew an institution was incapable of keeping tabs on one, crucially-important, person, why would you believe it could track 12 million? And yet . . .
The government knew that one man in Atlanta had a highly-infectious, potentially fatal, disease that puts the lives of untold numbers of people at risk. The MSM is quick to point its finger at the government for its failure to keep track of him. But the same MSM is largely supportive of an amnesty-based immigration bill that would require that same government to keep tabs on untold millions of immigrants and administer a highly-complex "pathway to citizenship."
The MSM is turning the tale of the Georgia man with TB who roamed over Europe and flew back to the US, endangering his fellow passengers, into a story of government misfeasance. Typical of the MSM take was that of Chris Cuomo on today's "Good Morning America." Cuomo spoke to ABC medical consultant Dr. Tim Johnson at 7:04 am EDT this morning.
GOOD MORNING AMERICA CO-HOST CHRIS CUOMO: Now obviously there were some breakdowns in the system here, in allowing this man to fly, in figuring out who was on these planes with him.
So the government couldn't keep track of one person, which it knew was infected with, as Dr. Johnson described it, "the worst kind of TB, called extensively drug-resistant TB because it's resistant to first- and second-line drugs."
Yet the credulous MSM apparently believes that the same government will be capable of doing the following with regard to 12 million people currently in the country illegally, over the course of the 13 years it could take for them to complete the "pathway to citizenship."
- Collect a $1,000 fine carry out a criminal background check [within 24 hours1!]
- Collect an additional $4,000 fine for purposes of issuing a green card.
- Administer English competency tests.
- Verify that the applicant left the U.S. and filed his application in his home country,
- Determine that the applicant has demonstrated merit based on the skills and attributes they will bring to the United States.
Can anyone really believe this? Why has the MSM failed to make the connection? Why is the MSM quick to allege the government's incompetence in the TB case but willing to believe in its omniscience when it comes to immigration?
Contact Mark at mark@gunhill