FAIR's press release states that “previous state and private studies over-estimated tax receipts and under-estimated costs.”
The details of this study are sure to be controversial, and the Des Moines Register reported last week that “immigrant-rights groups” are already critical and calling for the upcoming radio event to be scuttled.
Here is part of FAIR's press release promoting the event (bold mine throughout):
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) will introduce its timely cost study to the Iowa media at a news conference in Des Moines, in conjunction with the Iowa 2007 Talk Radio Row -- a two day event at which 22 of the nation's leading talk radio hosts will be broadcasting continuously from Des Moines and focusing on immigration.
What: Release of The Costs of Illegal Immigration to Iowans, a new report detailing the growing burdens associated with illegal immigration in Iowa.When: Thursday December 27, 2007 at 11:30 AM CST.
Where: Des Moines Marriott Downtown, 700 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA. Second Floor/Salon F.
Who: Julie Kirchner, Executive Director of FAIR (and an Iowa native) Jack Martin, Special Projects Director of FAIR, an author of the study Iowa Congressman Steve King (R-IA) Jan Mickelson, Talk Host WHO-AM Des Moines, IA
Contact: Ira Mehlman at 213-700-0407 or Bob Dane at 703-850-2435.
Ira Mehlman, +1-213-700-0407, or Bob Dane, +1-703-850-2435, both for FAIR,
The Des Moines Register reported that last week, the Southern Poverty Law Center added FAIR to it's list of hate groups operating in the US, claiming FAIR “has ties to known racists and a long track record of bigotry.”
I don't know if the SPLC's label of “hate group” is warranted or if FAIR's message simply does not agree with the PC idea that criticizing illegal immigration is automatically racist. Often inflammatory labels are thrown out to silence debate.
As for ties to “known racists” and a “record of bigotry,” that could describe Barack Obama and his Trinity United Church of Christ and Ron Paul and his Stormfront fans as well.
Where is the SLPC on the unindicted co-conspirator CAIR and its ties to terrorists and known anti-Semites with records of bigotry and terrorism?
Judge for yourself the validity of FAIR's information tomorrow and whether it should be given weight.
Lynn contributes to NewsBusters and can be reached at tvisgoodforyou2 AT yahoo DOT com