Yahoo News picked up a Reuters article on Yahoo that reports actress Eliza Dushku of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” “Tru Calling” and “Bring It On” fame has a new show lined up called, “Nurses.”
The article is a tiny little story that isn’t worth much time, except for the accompanying picture. The pic is a file photo from a 2004 John Kerry benefit concert, and a two and a half year old photo with such a visibly identifying background should have sent this photo to the back of the pile.
Potential political bias aside, I think the photo editor should have done Dushku a favor and chosen a different picture because of that outfit alone.
I’m sure that Reuters and Yahoo have access to the same photos that I can find online from such places like WireImage or IMDB that had photos of Dushku at 2006 movie premieres and red carpet events. If they prefer to use their own, I know that she went to several 2006 events in which she was photographed by other organizations, and I would assume that Reuters would have been there as well.
Maybe, they didn’t think she was important enough to photograph, maybe they just happened to pick that one or maybe they like that photo for some reason.
Is this a case of Reuters and Yahoo lacking a more up to date photo of an actress that isn’t at the top of the Papparazzi’s list, or is this an opportunity for them to send another political message?
Reuters and Yahoo could have found a picture of Dushku without the Kerry signs in the background, and it makes me wonder why they didn’t.