Campus Jihadis to Celebrate Anniversary of Oct. 7 Terrorist Attacks

September 26th, 2024 2:40 PM

If 9/11 occurred in our current climate, how many young Americans would be celebrating it as an annual holiday? Twenty three years ago, you’d seem crazy to imagine college students would cosplay as the terrorists who crashed commuter jets into the World Trade Center and Pentagon. 

Today, it appears nobody would bat an eye.

Nearly a year has passed since Israel and the world’s Jewish diaspora experienced their own 9/11. October 7, 2023 was the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust. Islamic fundamentalists slaughtered at least 1,200 people in “cold blood,” as the Daily Wire accurately describes, burning their victims alive and sexually assaulting and butchering women. 

Hamas terrorists and their “civilian” supporters chopped up babies in their cribs, murdered parents in front of their children and vice versa, and threw grenades into the homes of young families who were unaware of their fate that morning. Another 251 people were taken hostage, including 8 Americans. Most are either confirmed dead or are still missing.

But before the bodies even cooled, many young Americans grabbed their keffiyehs and took to the streets to cheer on the enemy. 

Now the terror-backed organization, Students for Justice in Palestine is planning a “Day of Rage” on college campuses across the nation, next Monday, to honor the one-year anniversary of Oct 7. 


A post shared by National SJP (@nationalsjp)

“Students across the country and the world will rise together for a week of rage on October 7-11 to mark” what they blame Israel for “a year of genocide in Gaza.”

In reality, they’re marking a year of peddling antisemitic blood libels, terrorizing Jewish students and turning their campuses into Jihadi boot camps. 

Related: UPenn Suspends JEWISH Professor for 'Hate Speech' After Coddling Antisemitic Faculty

“During these 11 months, we, the students, have confronted the Zionist and imperialist forces in our OWN universities—fighting to end the financial, academic, and ideological ties that our institutions have to this ongoing genocide and colonial project,” the group’s add continues. 

By these activities they mean setting up illegal autonomous zones on campuses and blocking Jews from getting to classes while chanting ‘Itbah El Yahud‘ (‘slaughter the Jews’ in Arabic).  

Their other antics include stabbing Jewish students in the eye with flag poles, pummeling them to the ground, firebombing university buildings and taking underpaid janitors hostage. 

“We will rise to end our universities’ complicity in this genocide, to fight for the end of the colonization of Palestine, and to fight for the complete liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea,” SJP promises. 

It’s reasonable to assume university administrators will continue to ignore the problem until someone gets seriously injured… or worse.

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— MRCTV (@mrctv) September 26, 2024