LA Times Agenda Push: 'It’s Almost Shameful To Want To Have Children'

September 18th, 2024 1:01 PM

Having children now makes you selfish, according to ivory tower academics and the 20 year olds we’re all supposed to pay college tuition for.

Leave it to a Gender and Sexuality Studies professor to recruit a group of adult children to lecture us NOT to have children.

In fact, “It’s almost shameful to want to have children,” reads the headline to a book excerpt published by U.C. Irvine professor Jane S. Sasser for the Los Angeles Times. 

To “objectively” prove her point, Sasser consulted with her own base of “experts.” They featured a series of interviews with recent college graduates from “marginalized communities.” 

“These interviewees have more climate change knowledge than most people do,” Sasser insists. 

“All of them are college-educated; most of them either grew up or have lived for some time in Southern California; and most have taken environmental studies classes, either as undergrads or in graduate school.”

This, according to Sasser, grants her stereotypical base of indoctrinated Zoomers the authority to tell us commoners that we’re wrong!

And if you weren’t confident in their resumes already, “some of them identify as queer, or their close family members and friends do, which shapes their sensitivity to discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people.”

Bobby, a 22 year-old environmentalist, told Sasser he wanted to have children of his own until attending college, where he was “exposed” to “information” that posed “ethical issues” to preserving the planet.

“The environment is really the deciding factor for me,” he says. “There’s so much being wasted that could be returned to the earth.”

Therefore, he plans on either fostering or adopting children.

Veronica, who is the same age as Bobby, blames older generations for her hesitation to have kids because they “caused climate change.”

Victoria, who is also 22, agrees. Thanks to her “sustainability” degree, she now believes “it's a little selfish” to have biological children when “there are already kids in the world” who she believes would make her a “better parent.” 

But it’s also society’s fault, of course! Victoria, who is black, says bringing more black children into the world will make them a target of racial and wealth “inequality.”

“It isn’t self-hatred. I love being Black, but the things I’ve gone through I wouldn’t wish on other children,” she continues.

They had to throw in the professional victimhood somewhere!

Racism is the primary reason why 38 year-old Rosalind told Sasser she refuses to have kids Rosalind blames “anti-black” and “police violence.” 

Another interviewee, 26 year old Melanie suggests it’s not “morally OK” to have children “just because, with all of the things we see going on in the world, it seems unfair to bring someone into all of this against their will.”

Given the hubris and entitlement of these young interviewees, perhaps Sasser indirectly made a decent argument against having children after all, especially if they grow up like these interviewees and contribute nothing to society other than proving how ungrateful they are.