PETTY: ABC’s Mary Bruce Says Crowd Size Concerns, Not Bitter Cold, Driving Trump Inaugural Indoors

January 19th, 2025 5:07 PM

Leading up to the second inauguration of President Donald Trump, it is evident that the Regime Media has decided to revert to Resistance mode, instinctively covering everything with an adversarial angle. This includes coverage and pre-analysis of the inaugural itself.

Watch as ABC Chief White House Correspondent (and Biden apple polisher) Mary Bruce attributes the decision to shift the inaugural ceremony indoors not to the expected brutal cold, but to concerns over crowd sizes. 



9:48 AM

JON KARL: Mary, let me start with you. The inauguration is inside, big change.

MARY BRUCE: Yeah. They're starting from scratch. It's a huge change, and look. There's no doubt that Donald Trump clearly wanted to have that image of him out on the west front of the Capitol taking the Oath of Office, and now that is all completely changed. The forecast we know is going to be brutal. The President-Elect says he's doing this because of the danger. It certainly, though, also lets them avoid the potential for smaller crowds because of the cold. It means he’s going to have less interaction with his -- with his supporters. We know that that image of the crowds is important to him. And look, these things are in the works for years. I mean, they have been putting up the reviewing stands since before the election.

KARL: Yeah.

BRUCE: And now they have to redo everything. I mean, the guest list of 1,600 outside the Capitol now has to be scrapped to 600. That’s a nightmare for any party planner.

KARL: I hate to be the one.

BRUCE: But it means that dignitaries, tech billionaires- everyone is scrambling. I will say this lastly though, the President-Elect understands political stagecraft better than anyone. So whether it’s inside or outside, he’s going to connect with his supporters and have those indelible images.

You will recall that the first dumb media controversy of the first Trump presidency, as the Russia Hoax percolated in the background, was the flap over the crowd sizes at the inauguration. So it’s not shocking to see Bruce appeal to that, even though no one outside of the extremely online left was talking about crowd sizes.

Although concern over the brutal cold is the official reason cited for moving the inauguration indoors, there are many reasonable individuals with national security backgrounds who hold that an outdoor inaugural posed a reckless security risk in light of ongoing threats against the President-Elect, and an Iranian operative already in custody related to an assassination plot. None of that entered into Bruce’s head as she sought to advance a Trump-adverse narrative.

Exit question: what would media reaction have been had the inaugural been moved indoors for a frail Joe Biden?