Ruhle-Harris on MSNBC: As AWFUL as Expected

September 25th, 2024 10:39 PM

Days after suggesting that it wasn’t necessary for Kamala Harris to sit down for an interview and answer policy questions, MSNBC tasked their resident late-night AWFUL, Stephanie Ruhle, with doing precisely that. Sitting down with Harris and attempting to get substantive answers on policy. She got half the job done: the sitting down part.

The interview opens with a plea, from Ruhle to Harris, to give the voters what amounts to a policy elevator pitch. Harris responded with a word salad that ended with affordable housing.

Ruhle took another pass at the question, at which point Harris fired off a succession of talking points against Trump:

Within a round of questions on taxes and tariffs where Harris largely avoided providing substantive answers, Ruhle asked an uncomfortable question regarding the Teamsters’ non-endorsement, which Harris also ducked:

Ruhle asks Harris about price controls. Harris provides a clear answer, which is to double down:

On immigration, Ruhle revives “cats and dogs”. Harris offers to revive mass amnesties:

At long last, a tough question: McDonald’s.

Of course, there is an obligatory question on abortion, framed as an economic issue- the one issue guaranteed to elicit a response out of Harris: in this case, the ProPublica Abortion Hoax. Also, the trust question:

Afterwards, there was the usual obnoxious round of self-congratulation and back-patting that is typical of MSNBC. Ruhle glowingly called Harris “a great interview.”

As I mentioned at the outset, Ruhle accomplished half her mission, which was to ask questions. Some friendly, some with a slight degree of difficulty, but there was never a serious challenge of anything Harris said. Unfortunately for viewers expecting clarity, Harris didn’t offer a substantive answer beyond her talking point set-pieces. That much was evident from the very first question, wherein Harris worked “dreams”, “aspirations”, and “middle class” into her very first answer. It went downhill from there.

As anticipated, the sitting vice president was the proud recipient of a warm tongue bath from the Regimiest of all Regime Media outlets, which will no doubt he hailed as a groundbreaking interview by the usual crowd of Regime propagandists.