Ed Schultz Demands to Know Why 'We're Supposed to Celebrate' When Person No Longer on Food Stamps

November 10th, 2010 7:21 PM

Come to think of it, Schultz has a point. This type of thing spells trouble for Democrats.

On his radio show yesterday, Schultz was talking with a caller about unemployment when he said something that demonstrated how liberals hold mixed feelings when people make the transition from dependency on government to gainful employment --

Last night we're watching TV, I was watching the game, and flipping around the different news shows and there's a Wal-Mart  commercial. And I'm not picking on Wal-Mart, I'm just, that's where it was! And it has a lady talking about how she used to be on food stamps, but now she's got a job at Wal-Mart. And it shows some video of her walking down the aisle with a clipboard looking at product on the shelf as if she's checking off, you know, how much has been sold. I mean, that's what I saw, that's what it looked like. But I thought to myself when I saw and heard that commercial, you know, here's big corporate America taking a shot at people who are on food stamps. I mean, we're supposed to celebrate that these folks are off (pause), you know, and taking a, what I consider to be a lower-end job.

... when they could be on food stamps instead -- what's this country coming to?!

In fairness to Schultz, he did catch himself and hesitate in mid-idiocy, something he rarely does.

What I consider a "lower-end job"? Working as a liberal radio host, or at MSNBC, regardless of salary.