Appearing on "The Daily Show," Wesley Clark compared American troops in Iraq to "space invaders" who "bust down your doors and rough up your women and throw you on the ground." Sounds exactly like what John Kerry said two years ago.
WESLEY CLARK: But if you didn't have those rules of engagement, like we had in some units at the outset where you just sort of knocked on doors and roughed people up. Well, look, I mean, in America, think of how it would be. I'm from Arkansas, but think of how it would be anywhere in the states, you know? An invading force comes in. They're wearing space helmets.
JON STEWART: You're talking Red Dawn aren't you? Are you talking Red Dawn?
CLARK: Sort of like that. But they're space invaders. They have laser weapons and stuff and bust down your doors and rough up your women and throw you on the ground, really, I mean.