Media Blackout: Alan Grayson Gets Physical With Reporter

July 27th, 2016 5:17 PM

If a Republican Congressman had gotten into a physical altercation with a reporter at the GOP convention it’s a good bet it would have been plastered all over the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) network and cable newscasts.

But so far no one at ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC or FNC has reported on Alan Grayson’s Tuesday scuffle, in Philadelphia, with a reporter that asked the Florida Democratic Congressman about domestic violence allegations made by his ex-wife. 

Back in 2014 when former Republican Congressman Michael Grimm threatened to throw a reporter off a balcony all three broadcast networks covered it on their January 29 news shows.

Fast forward to today and so far none of those same nets have touched the Grayson incident.

The Washington Post’s Callum Borchers, in a July 26 story “Alan Grayson said he never hit his wife. Then he got physical with a reporter” reported the following: 

There is no perfectly right way to handle allegations of domestic violence, but Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) just demonstrated the totally wrong way. At an event hosted by Politico in Philadelphia, site of the Democratic National Convention, Grayson on Tuesday got in the face of — and made contact with — Edward-Isaac Dovere, a reporter for Politico, which earlier in the day published claims of abuse by the congressman's ex-wife.

If you're looking to dispute a characterization as a hot-tempered man who could be prone to violent acts, that may not be the best approach.

Video of the altercation shows Grayson, a Senate candidate, putting his hands on Dovere's shoulders while trying to exit the event and avoid answering questions; the footage also shows Dovere stepping into Grayson's path in a persistent attempt to ask about the accusations leveled by Lolita Grayson.

At one point, Alan Grayson appears to be in the clear but turns back to confront Dovere.

"Do you seriously think that this is the proper way to conduct an interview?" he asks.

The two men argue about who pushed whom, and Grayson says he plans to report Dovere to police.

Politico reported Tuesday morning that over a two-decade period, "Lolita Grayson called police on her husband at least two times in Virginia and two more times in Florida, sought medical attention on at least two occasions and said that, in one instance, he had threatened to kill her, according to a police report."

The link to the story also contains video of the scuffle made by Politico


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