MSNBCer Compares Chris Christie to Tony Soprano

June 17th, 2011 5:31 PM

Tamron Hall was so taken aback by Chris Christie's "none of your business" response to a voter's question about why he puts his kids in private school that she blurted the New Jersey Republican Governor reminded her of HBO's fictionalized mobster Tony Soprano. Right after playing a brief clip of Christie's "gruff" answer to the voter, Hall stooped to take a stereotypical cheap shot at New Jersey and its governor as she exclaimed: "I thought that was Tony Soprano!"

(video after the jump)



The following excerpt was aired on the June 17 edition of MSNBC's News Nation with Tamron Hall:

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TAMRON HALL: New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie is raising eyebrows once again today, this time it is for his gruff response to a woman who asked a question on last night's edition of PBS program "Christie On The Line." Take a look at what happened.

(Begin clip)

GAIL: You don't send your children to public schools, you send them to private schools so I was wondering why you think it's fair to be cutting school funding to public schools?

CHRIS CHRISTIE: What's her name?

STEVE ADUBATO: What's her name, guys? Real quick, as the governor is talking. What is it? Gail. Talk to Gail.

CHRISTIE: Hey Gail, you know what? First off, it's none of your business. I don't ask you where you send your kids to school, don't bother me about where I send mine.

(End clip)

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HALL: Joining me now, nationally syndicated talk show host Michael Smerconish, who is an MSNBC contributor. I thought that was Tony Soprano! I mean listen, I love New Jersey but that was like a caricature, some might say – heck, I'm saying it – of, of like "none of your business." And this is the second time he's done it. He was asked about, whether he believed in evolution or creationism and he responded, "It's none of your business."