The second edition of FNC’s new show starring funny man Greg Gutfeld will run Sunday night, reminding me he ended his inaugural show last Sunday by taking on the “vacuous” who “pawn stupid stuff as cool” and create the “snickering dismissal of an intellectual class trained by the Comedy Central applause sign.”
Promising “this show will not be edgy,” Gutfeld asserted “edgy commentary pretends to be risky – mocking the faithful, taking jabs at things people fought and died for: That’s not risk, it’s a costume for the vacuous.”
He proposed: “These days risk is doing something the media derides: Saying you love this country, cops are awesome, our military rules, identity is silly.”
Gutfeld concluded his first Greg Gutfeld Show, which aired May 31:
I can promise you from here on in this show will not be edgy. Edgy was a term created to pawn stupid stuff of as cool when it’s just plain bad, like probiotic yogurt. Edgy commentary pretends to be risky – mocking the faithful, taking jabs at things people fought and died for: That’s not risk, it’s a costume for the vacuous. These days risk is doing something the media derides: Saying you love this country, cops are awesome, our military rules, identity is silly.
All of that creates a smirk, stretching from the Upper West Side to the backyards of Brentwood, a snickering dismissal of an intellectual class trained by the Comedy Central applause sign.
Real risk is looking at new things in an old-fashioned way, unafraid that everyone else hates you. And the fact is if you’re watching me now, they already do. Watching Fox News on Sunday night is the equivalent of shooting kittens from a Humvee made of dead smelt. It’s like smothering baby lambs with stacks of $1,000 bills. It’s like eating a gulosh made of homeless people. It’s a offensive to people who think biology is a social construct and wealth is a measure of greed. If you’re watching this show, then congratulations, you’re not like them. You are one of us and we’re glad you’re here.