Noting presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain “gets good treatment” from journalists, former CBS News correspondent Bernard Goldberg predicted on Thursday's O'Reilly Factor that since the “media like him because he's the one who pokes his thumb in Republican and conservative eyes, mostly conservative eyes,” that's "going to end" and so “as soon as it's McCain against Obama or Clinton the media goes over to the other side.”
In his weekly Thursday appearance with Jane Hall on the FNC show's segment assessing media behavior, Goldberg agreed with Bill O'Reilly that McCain has received favorable press, and then offered his forecast for how the media will turn on McCain as soon as he stands in the way of liberal becoming President:
I do think he gets good treatment. And I'll tell you precisely, I'll you the second, that's going to end: When the campaign starts for real between one Democrat and one Republican. That's when you're going to hear stories about “Is he too old?” “Is his temper such that he shouldn't be President?” The media like him because he's the one who pokes his thumb in Republican and conservative eyes, mostly conservative eyes. But as soon as it's McCain against Obama or Clinton the media goes over to the other side.Back in 2000, Goldberg penned 'Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News.'
Goldberg's Web site.