Confirming what's obvious to anyone watching or reading the gushing praise for Al Gore and his hysterical movie about global warming, on this weekend's
McLaughlin Group, Newsweek's Eleanor Clift asserted: "There's some regret, even among the media, that Al Gore was mocked and ridiculed in 2000, and he didn't deserve it. And we're ready for a serious politician." Clift, who in her end of the show prediction, anticipated that “a year from now, there will be an Al Gore presidential exploratory committee," earlier in the program laid out how he can follow the “Nixonian play book” in “a very good way.” Clift pined: “He's campaigning to awaken the political leadership to the threat of global warming, but it's a campaign that can easily turn into a campaign for himself if he sees an opening. And he's following the Nixonian play book, the Nixonian in a very good way. Just as Richard Nixon was edged out of the presidency very narrowly in 1960 and then came back after eight years to win.”
Of course, it's not so clear to those who don't lament George W. Bush's 2000 victory how much compared to Bush Gore was “mocked and ridiculed” by the news media.