"Scary, dangerous, slimy, firebrand, extremist, hardline, stupid, [and] uppity loudmouth" were adjectives used to blast Sen. Ted Cruz when he announced for president. By contrast, the liberal media were absolutely "giddy" at Hillary's Sunday announcement, Media Research Center president Brent Bozell noted on today's Your World with Neil Cavuto.
Because Republicans are never going to count the liberal media as among their friends, GOP presidential contenders would be wise to focus their media efforts primarily in social media avenues where they can go over the liberal media's filter, Bozell counseled. What's more, "When the press do something that's underhanded or dishonest" conservative candidates should not be afraid to call them on the carpet, albeit probably a little more "presidential" in demeanor than Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has done on his outings.
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