REGIME MEDIA SILENT: Univision and Telemundo Still The Only Network Newscasts to Report Tren de Aragua Crimes

September 26th, 2024 6:00 PM

The Regime Media has spent the better part of two weeks reducing the situation in Springfield, Ohio to “cats and dogs”, and attempting to do the same in Charleroi, PA. This is done, of course, in order to avoid having to talk about the proliferation of violent transnational gang Tren de Aragua (TdA). The media are largely silent about TdA, with two notable exceptions.

Watch as Univision correspondent Fabiola Galindo does what no one else in the Regime Media has apparently been willing to do: talk on-camera to the NYPD Chief of Detectives about TdA:

FABIOLA GALINDO: How can the NYPD verify that they are a person who belongs to the Tren de Aragua gang, and not just any common criminal?

JOSEPH KENNY, NYPD CHIEF OF DETECTIVES: Unless they self-admit and say “I am a member of TdA” or we look at their social media and they’re throwing up hand signs indicating an affiliation with TdA or through our investigative steps we can find that they’re from TdA, we just don’t blanket people.

GALINDO: The (NYPD Chief of Detectives) says that one of the biggest complications in this fight is that they can't ask detainees about their immigration status due to sanctuary city laws. We asked him if they have seen express kidnappings (such as those) carried out by TdA in other countries.

KENNY: Not kidnappings. We have seen acts of violence, we have seen people shot. They- they, we had a 15-year-old, you know, migrant shoot at us in Times Square.

GALINDO: Authorities do not rule out that the Venezuelan gang is also involved in human trafficking, forcing migrant women into prostitution.

Eye-watering stuff were it to air on ABC, CBS, or NBC. But the network evening newscasts have avoided this story like the plague. Univision and Telemundo have also covered Texas’ designation of TdA as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO), which has also gone uncovered by their Anglophone counterparts. This is how Univision and Telemundo opened those respective reports:



6:41 PM

ILIA CALDERÓN: Dozens of members of the Venezuelan criminal gang Tren de Aragua were recently arrested in raids in several cities across the country. One of them was captured in El Paso, in the midst of the open war declared by Texas Governor Greg Abbott against that criminal organization, which includes a reward for information that helps combat them.



6:49 PM

JULIO VAQUEIRO: The governor of Texas takes another step against the Tren de Aragua and now offers rewards to those who provide information about the members of this gang, which he considers a foreign terrorist organization.

In Telemundo’s case, they even brought on a former FBI agent, in order to explain just how dangerous TdA is:

DANIEL BRUNNER: Tren de Aragua is a much worse danger than Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13). I know they are in New Jersey, Florida, Texas, California, Colorado... 

These reports weren’t flawless. They both-sidesed their stories by bringing on advocates and other migrants that expressed concerns over the rhetoric that might emerge due to TdA. That’s still more than can be said for the grotesquely misnomered “mainstream media”.

Univision and Telemundo doing these stories may seem counterintuitive but is perfectly in line with their immigration advocacy agenda. They have to be able to point out the “bad” immigrants in order to credibly advocate mass amnesties for everybody else. 

Non-coverage, in the case of the Regime Media, is also in line with their advocacy agenda in favor of Democrats. Reports of criminal migrant gangs marauding across major cities casts the Regime in the most unfavorable light, which is why these stories are Trumpwashed: in other words, suppressed until they can be reported with a Trump-adverse angle. Such as was the case both in Springfield and in Charleroi.

Click “expand” to view the full transcripts of the aforementioned reports as aired on their respective newscasts on September 24th and 25th, 2024:



6:40 PM

ILIA CALDERÓN: New York is one of the cities with the largest presence of the Venezuelan gang the Tren de Aragua, implicated in multiple crimes ranging from street assaults to human trafficking. Reports indicate that they are recruiting young people in shelters for recently arrived migrants where, according to reports, they traffic weapons and drugs inside boxes of food. Fabiola Galindo spoke with a police chief about the great challenge of combating this criminal gang. 

FABIOLA GALINDO: They are experts in violent drive-by robberies, taking cell phones and jewelry. And the order from the ringleaders is to shoot the police. This is how the Chief of Detectives of the New York Police Department describes the way of operating of the international criminal organization Tren de Aragua. Or TdA.

Where do they operate from? Do they have an operatiosn center?

JOSEPH KENNY: Unfortunately, they’re operating out of the city-funded shelters. 

GALINDO: He claims that within these shelters they recruit teenagers for the bloodthirsty Venezuelan gang. 

How can the NYPD verify that they are a person who belongs to the Tren de Aragua gang, and not just any criminal?

KENNY: Unless they self-admit and say “I am a member of TdA” or we look at their social media and they’re throwing up hand signs indicating an affiliation with TdA or through our investigative steps we can find that they’re from TdA, we just don’t blanket people.

GALINDO: The chief says one of the biggest complications in this fight is that they can't ask detainees about their immigration status, due to sanctuary city laws. We asked him if they have seen express kidnappings (such as those) carried out by Tren de Aragua in other countries.

KENNY: Not kidnappings. We have seen acts of violence, we have seen people shot. They- you know, we had a 15-year-old migrant shoot at us in Times Square.

GALINDO: Authorities do not rule out that the Venezuelan gang is also involved in human trafficking, forcing migrant women into prostitution.

It should be mentioned that crime in general, such as shootings and robberies, have decreased in the Big Apple in the last year, at the same time that more immigrants have arrived. But statistics do very little to calm citizens' spirits. In New York: Fabiola Galindo, Univision.



6:41 PM

ILIA CALDERÓN: Dozens of members of the Venezuelan criminal gang Tren de Aragua were recently arrested in raids in several cities across the country. One of them was captured in El Paso, in the midst of the open war declared by Texas Governor Greg Abbott against that criminal organization, which includes a reward for information that helps combat them. Reyna Rodríguez has more details.

REYNA RODRIGUEZ: In his fight to eradicate the Tren de Aragua from Texas, Governor Greg Abbott is offering a reward of up to $5,000 for information leading to the capture of members of the Venezuelan criminal gang.

SGT. ERICK ESTRADA (TEXAS DPS): We're trying to stop them here. 

RODRIGUEZ: The criminal group is involved in drug, weapons and human trafficking activities, and several of its members are charged in several states including Texas, Georgia, Florida and New York. Texan authorities fear that they will continue to extend their influence throughout the United States.

ESTRADA: The difference from other gangs: they don't have tattoos, they don't identify themselves, like members of other gangs. 

RODRIGUEZ: This week, the head of the Border Patrol reported the capture of a member of the feared gang. He added that immigration agents detained 70 members of this gang throughout the country. The announcement comes after Abbott designated the Tren de Aragua as a foreign terrorist organization, as part of a state operation to end the gang and its criminal operations.

GERMO: It is not right to come to do something bad - if you come here it is to come to work, and do well. 

RODRIGUEZ: Republican leaders, including Donald Trump, have linked the presence of this gang to the thousands of Venezuelan migrants who have arrived at the southern border.

SERGIO SÁNCHEZ: Under Biden and under Harris they have done absolutely nothing, other than allowing and promoting the entry of more illegals. 

RODRÍGUEZ: Some activists fear that these statements incite a dangerous narrative against the immigrant community.

CESAR ESPINOZA: We are not against the persecution of gangs, but we are against the way and the rhetoric that Governor Abbott is using to refer to this community.

RODRIGUEZ: In McAllen, Texas: Reyna Rodríguez, Univisión.



6:49 PM

JULIO VAQUEIRO: The governor of Texas takes another step against the Tren de Aragua and now offers rewards to those who provide information about the members of this gang, which he considers a foreign terrorist organization. Francisco Cuevas prepared the report.

FRANCISCO CUEVAS: They call it the Aragua Train, a criminal gang that according to authorities originated in Venezuela and has spread throughout several Latin American countries with activities in drug trafficking, human trafficking, extortion and murders. 

DANIEL BRUNNER: Tren de Aragua is a much worse danger than Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13). I know they are in New Jersey, Florida, Texas, California, Colorado... 

GREG ABBOTT: Texas is aggressively...

CUEVAS: The governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, has already declared war on the criminal group, raising its danger to the maximum level. Now it is offering $5,000 rewards for anyone who gives information about its members, ensuring that the Aragua Train has spread terror and massacres in every country where it has been, and that Texas will not allow them to settle in this state. Many are applauding the governor's action.

CARMEN MARIA MONTIEL: And at the moment he declares this group a terrorist group, which it is, it is carrying out its work and for which it was elected, to defend Texans.

CUEVAS: The governor also announced a state operation against the Venezuelan gang, and the formation of a special team to identify and arrest its members accused of terrorizing people and also tarnishing the name of the Venezuelan community in this country.

ALEXANDER VALDEZ: Not only because they damage the image of Venezuelans, but because they are harming good people.

CUEVAS: Some of its alleged members have been arrested for robberies and assaults on police officers in New York. They are also accused of murder, like the case in Florida of Julio César Hernández and Yorvin Salazar, alleged members formally accused of the murder of a retired police officer.

BRUNNER: It's a problem because this is a very violent, very organized group.

CUEVAS: All clues can be sent through an online form and according to the authorities, the information will be completely confidential. In San Antonio, Texas: Francisco Cuevas, Noticias Telemundo.