Left Washes Cars With Their Nuts & Comes Clean About Trans ‘Feelings’

August 9th, 2023 7:22 AM

Welcome to Woke of the Weak, where I’ll update you about the most woke, progressive, insane, and crazy clips and stories that the left thinks are tolerable and, well, point out why exactly they’re nuts. 

This week we talked about just how brainwashed the left really is. 

For starters, one lady claimed that conservatives are the ones who are “dangerous bigots.” She insisted that they should be “classified as a hate group” and claimed that conservatives “spread lies and propaganda.” She likely forgot that leftists are the ones who allow the TQ’s of the LGBTQ group to spread their complete and utter delusion. She insisted that conservatives are violent, yet forgot to mention the mass destruction that the Black Lives Matter mafia inflicted.

She also claimed that conservative lawmakers draft legislation that harms minority groups. Yet, the left is the group who passes laws that enable people to kill babies. Talk about harming minority groups!

This lady was clearly brainwashed - just like the next chick who wore a face full of makeup to insist she was a woman, but also cut off her boobs to look more masculine. 

Utter confusion at its best. 

Another woman showed off her hairy armpits and talked about how she loved being fat. 

One last individual wore a rainbow bathing suit to clean his car. He rubbed the soap all over his body and even allowed his junk to serve as a sponge, too. The car must be squeaky clean by now!