Don’t agree with something? Then discredit it by calling it “fake,” as exemplified by MSNBC host Rachel Maddow.
During the July 22 Rachel Maddow Show, Maddow said presidential candidate Jeb Bush visited a “fake abortion clinic,” in other words, a crisis pregnancy center.
To begin, MSNBC’s Maddow commented that, for the 2016 presidential candidates, “the only way to get a bump in national poll numbers seems to be talking about and fighting with and otherwise situating yourself somehow in the orbit of Donald Trump.”
But some candidates “are trying to get attention in other ways,” she admitted. Candidates like Jeb Bush.
“Jeb Bush today went to a fake abortion clinic,” she said, “[o]ne of those clinics that is designed to look like they provide abortions to patients.” She continued, “But they do not, these crisis pregnancy centers.”
Maddow did not take care to explain why Bush was there: to call on Congress to investigate Planned Parenthood after undercover videos showed executives discuss the harvesting of aborted baby parts.
While they are routinely attacked, crisis pregnancy centers give pregnant women the option – the choice – to keep their babies by providing free services including pregnancy testing and prenatal care. The innocent lives they save are very real.
Last year, LifeNews’ Steven Ertelt argued that, “While the pro-abortion side claims pregnancy centers are deceptive, it appears the Planned Parenthood abortion business is the one trying to snow women looking for pregnancy support and assistance.”