NPR & PBS Are Nothing But Biased Puppets - Defund Them!

March 7th, 2025 11:28 AM

Big Bird, Elmo and The Count joined an elderly mob of outgrown hippies in Washington D.C., Thursday to express their outrage over the idea NPR and PBS may no longer be able to force taxpayers to subsidize their state propaganda.

It was an overdone and predictable attempt to pull at heartstrings. If you don’t want the government to fleece you hundreds of millions of dollars annually so PBS can tell you who to vote for, then that apparently means you want to kill Big Bird!

Except there’s one problem: PBS hasn’t owned Big Bird or his clan of puppets since 2015. They work for HBO. 

The Media Research Center arrived at the protest with our own display: The Left-Leaning Tower of Media Bias, a stack of thousands of articles we’ve published, documenting 15 years of yellow journalism peddled by both PBS and NPR. But when asked The Count to count them, he refused! 

We took our @DefundPBSNPR truck and Tower of Yellow Journalism to NPR’s DC headquarters, while leftists protestors were on site at a pro-NPR rally singing songs with Sesame Street characters.

Sign our petition to stop taxpayer funding to PBS and NPR at

— Media Research Center (@theMRC) March 6, 2025

Instead, the defensive mob of state propagandists surrounded our tower, blocking people from seeing public broadcasting's propaganda displayed in their own words. In the same breath, they screeched about free speech, charging conservatives with censorship for objecting to taxpayer-compelled speech from a state funded media.

I tried asking demonstrators to elaborate on their backwards interpretation of our First Amendment, but nobody could answer why they were present in the first place! Instead, the mob grew angry and borderline physical. 

But they’re just puppets.. mindless mouthpieces for the Leftist media!