Teen Vogue Columnist: ‘It’s Fine If There Are No Men’ in White House, TV

November 30th, 2017 12:27 PM

In the wake of the sexual harassment scandals of the week, it’s easy to make sweeping statements. But should the media be allowed a free pass to say what they want?

Teen Vogue columnist Lauren Duca, best known for her pieces such as, “Are Any of Us Still Proud to be American?” and “Fox News is Undermining American Democracy,” tweeted on November 29, “It’s fine if we get to the point where there are no men on TV. It’s fine if we get to the point where there are no men in the White House.”



Rawan Eewshah, the senior social media manager for Allure magazine, responded to this tweet with the statement, “It’s fine if we get to the point where there are no men in the world.” Conde Nast, the owner of both Allure and Teen Vogue, apparently either considers these statements to be either satire or is fine with their employees calling for “no men” in the White House, on television, or in the world. Seems a bit extreme.

Duca retweeted Eewshah’s statement, supporting it with a “Those in favor of the motion, say aye.” Ouch. While the number of men in the media and in politics accused of sexual misdeeds is skyrocketing, calling for no men in the world seems somewhat drastic and counterproductive. In order to achieve equality for women in work environments and in the media, it’s important to maintain a level of dignity and grace. Calling for all men to be removed, whether humorous or not, is demeaning to the #metoo movement.

Teen Vogue has become a cesspool of insane left-wing politics, pushing abortion, the resistance, and gender politics on its presumably teen audience for the past year. In the past month, Teen Vogue invited 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as a guest editor. Allure is no stranger to politics either, promoting MSNBC’s Brian Williams.