South Park Eviscerates Liberal Sacred Cows 'Caitlyn' Jenner and Safe Spaces

December 3rd, 2015 2:37 AM

WARNING: This article is about South Park and thus contains some explicit language! 

The episode "Truth and Advertising" takes big shots at topics liberals consider to be sacrosanct. South Park is the only show that can get away with portraying Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner as anything other than stunning and brave. Suffice it to say, South Park is NOT a "safe space" for "Caitlyn."

After being fired and replaced by PC Principal, former South Park Elementary Principal Victoria brings Mr. Garrison, who’s been running for president with “Caitlyn” Jenner as his running mate, back to the town of South Park to help solve a mystery. But first they must disguise themselves, leading to a funny exchange that has “Caitlyn” refusing to put on a mustache and Mr. Garrison mocking, “You don't want people thinking you're a weirdo. I mean, geez.” 

Mr. Garrison is shocked at what he sees in the town – there’s even a Whole Foods now! He’s asked if he has a moment to help gay rights (“Geez, you already got all those. What the hell do you want to do now?”) while customers are asked if they want to donate to “help hungry children get iPads to protect your Internet safe space.” Clearly something is amiss in this quiet mountain town!

-Principal Victoria: We have to make sure nobody recognizes us. There's no telling who works for who. Here, Caitlyn, I got you this fake mustache to put on. 
-Caitlyn: I'm not putting on a mustache. I'll look silly. 
-Mr. Garrison: Oh, that -- that's where you draw the line, huh, Caitlyn?
-Caitlyn: Don't be an asshole. 
-Mr. Garrison: [ Sarcastically ] No, you're right. That's nuts. A woman wearing a mustache -- That's just ridiculous, huh, Cait—
-Caitlyn: All right, all right. I'll put it on. [Bleep]
-Mr. Garrison: No, no, please, Cait. Don't put on a fake mustache. That's crazy. You don't want people thinking you're a weirdo. I mean, geez.
-Caitlyn: You're such an asshole. 
-Mr. Garrison: What the hell is this? What have they done to my town?! 
-Principal Victoria: Keep your voice down! 
-Mr. Garrison: Since when do we have a Flippin' Whole Foods?! Everything's changed. 
-Petitioner: Hi, there. You got a minute for gay rights? 
-Mr. Garrison: Gay rights?! Geez, you already got all those. What the hell do you want to do now? 
-Cashier: All right. Your total is $126.39. And would you like to give a dollar to help hungry children get iPads to protect your Internet safe space today? 
-Customer: I will. 
-Mr. Garrison: What the Sam hell is going on? 

Later, the show continues mocking PC culture when the group goes out in search of PC Principal at his frat house. But Randy Marsh, a PC Social Justice Warrior who is being priced out of the town because of the gentrification that he started, lectures that they can’t violate a college safe space. Hilariously, he is shocked that they are able to cross “the most sacred human boundary there is.” 

-Randy Marsh: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Guys, whoa! We can't just go walking in there. 
-Mr. Garrison: Why not? 
-Randy: This is a safe space. We're not allowed past this. When you breach a college safe space, you're crossing the most sacred human boundary there is. 
-Caitlyn: Oh, give me a break. 
-Randy: No, no, no, no, no. Look, this is very real and very important in PC culture. Every human has a right to a safe space. It cannot be entered. 
-Mr. Garrison: Yeah, it can. Watch. 
-Randy: Wow, how did you -- Whoa!

We still don't know what the mystery is with PC Principal, but we do know that more laughs at the expense of PC culture are sure to come with next week's season finale!