Steve Forbes Hints At Dire Consequences of Kamala Economy: ‘It Gets Worse’

July 25th, 2024 5:48 PM

Forbes Media Editor-in-Chief Steve Forbes hammered Vice President Kamala Harris for espousing anti-energy and economically destructive policies. 

On the June 24 edition of Fox Business’s The Bottom Line, Forbes panned Harris’s record and rhetoric. “[S]he says, ‘Ooh, I'm for the middle class,’ yet she pursues policies that will ruin the middle class and prevent low-income people from achieving middle-class status,” Forbes said. “Small businesses can’t afford these regulations so guess what? They go out of business,” he said, before referring to Harris’s positions on energy, taxation, spending and health care.

Forbes told Fox Business’s host Jackie DeAngelis and Fox News Contributor Guy Benson that Harris’ record “gets worse when you dig into it.” Forbes added, “As I alluded to, she wants to ban fracking, so energy costs are going to go up, which means the American economy is gonna do worse. The world situation is going to do worse as we become more dependent on nice places like Russia. She wants substantial tax increases and on the health care side, it’s not just money, it’s gonna hurt people's health care."

Forbes went on to bash countries with socialized medicine. 

Forbes listed several reasons why Harris would “ruin the middle class.” One key reason was her support for policies that would radically increase the cost of energy.   

The New York Times noted on Monday that Harris opposes fracking, a popular form of energy extraction. She also supported the enactment of a carbon tax, was an original sponsor of the “Green New Deal” and used her office as California attorney general to fight offshore fracking.

During her failed 2020 Democratic campaign for president, Harris endorsed a number of anti-business policies such as raising the corporate income tax from 21% to 35% and taxing stock trades. As noted by a graphic during the Bottom Line segment, she also supported increasing the estate tax.

Beyond Harris’s bad ideas, she is a key figure in an administration with an appalling economic record. President Joe Biden and Harris have presided over zero growth in real wages since January 2021 when they took office. The infamous duo also led the country during a drastic increase in mortgage rates, which rose from 2.8% the day Biden was inaugurated to 7.0% on July 3, 2021. That is a 151% increase.

At the same time, Americans’ savings have been devastated as the average gas price has risen by over a dollar and the country has suffered through 5.4% average monthly inflation.

Conservatives are under attack! Contact ABC News at (818) 460-7477, CBS News at (212) 975-3247 and NBC News at (212) 664-6192 and demand they tell the truth about Kamala Harris’ radical rhetoric on energy and the economy.