Too Many Vacations? Let's be Thankful He's Out of the White House

August 25th, 2010 2:56 PM

My family and I are exhausted. While my wife and kids took an-ultra luxury vacation in Spain, I jetted back and forth to Chicago to celebrate my birthday as a temporary bachelor.

After that, we got back together for a family weekend at the beach on the Gulf. Now, we’re here vacationing in the favorite playground of the East Coast rich and famous, Martha’s Vineyard.

Whew! I think we’re going to need a vacation to recover from all these vacations.

Whoa. Unlike many who aren’t fans of our president – and I am not – I don’t begrudge him his vacations. Oh, it would be nice if he’d use the Camp David retreat we taxpayers provide, or go someplace where, unlike Spain or the Vineyard, average Americans would benefit from a little economic stimulus. But why quibble over details?

As a matter of (very obvious) fact, we’d all be better off if he and his entire posse took an extended vacation entirely uninterrupted by business – until say, 2012. If you have a nice home in Florida, a mansion in California or a Castle in Spain that’s you’d like to donate for the use of the First Family, perhaps a deal can be worked out. He gets the run of your beautiful property in exchange for staying there and doing nothing more to us until his departure from the presidency. Why not e-mail the White House with this generous invitation?

Please, Mr. President, go on vacation. Please. And please take Reid, Pelosi, Geithner, Summers and the rest of them with you.

As for me, paying close attention to the news from Washington has made me want to sit naked in the corner of my shower clutching a bottle of bourbon. So I’m going to give myself a vacation too. I’ll adopt Vice-President Biden’s position. Nothing Matters until after Labor Day.

Dan Kennedy is a serial entrepreneur, adviser to business owners, sought-after speaker and author of 14 books. His latest, “Make ‘Em Laugh & Take Their Money: A Few Thoughts on Using Humor as a Speaker or Writer or Sales Professional for Purposes of Persuasion,”  contains a selection of his BMI essays. More information about Dan can be found at, and a free collection of his business resources including newsletters and webinars at

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