Best Notable Quotables

WORST OF 2024: Celebrity Freak-Out Award
Today we present the WORST OF 2024: The Celebrity Freak-Out Award.

WORST OF 2024: Cursing the Conservative Court Award
Today we present the WORST OF 2024: The Cursing the Conservative Court Award.

WORST OF 2024: Carrying Kamala’s Water Award for Helping Harris
Today we present the WORST OF 2024: The Carrying Kamala’s Water Award for Helping Harris.

WORST OF 2024: The Damn Those Conservatives Award
Today we present the WORST OF 2024: The Damn Those Conservatives Award. Why must they be so crass?

WORST OF 2024: The Craziest Analysis Award
Today we present the WORST OF 2024: The Craziest Analysis Award.

The Brian Stelter Award for Worst Quote of the Year
It was a challenging task, but an esteemed panel led by MRC President L. Brent Bozell and MRC’s Vice President for Research and Publications Brent Baker boiled down all the biased outbursts from lefty hack hosts, anchors, reporters and pundits in 2024 and declared a winner.

WORST OF 2023: Celebrity Freak-Out Award
Today we present the WORST OF 2023: Celebrity Freak-Out Award.

WORST OF 2023: Cursing the Conservative Court Award
Today we present the WORST OF 2023: Cursing the Conservative Court Award.

WORST OF 2023: The Praising and Protecting Old Joe Award
Today we present the WORST OF 2023: The Praising and Protecting Old Joe Award.

WORST OF 2023: The Damning Florida’s Dictator Award
Today we present the WORST OF 2023: The Damning Florida’s Dictator Award.

WORST OF 2023: The Jihadist Journalism Award for Helping Hamas
Today we present the WORST OF 2023: The Jihadist Journalism Award for Helping Hamas

WORST OF 2023: The Joy of Hate Award for Joy Reid Rants
Today we present the WORST OF 2023: The Joy of Hate Award for Joy Reid Rants

WORST OF 2023: Damn Those Conservatives Award
Today we present the WORST OF 2023: The Damn Those Conservatives Award.