CCP & Red State Blow Up Bill Press's Lame Arguments for Radio 'Fairness'

April 14th, 2009 3:56 PM

Center for Competitive PoliticsSean D. Parnell, the President of the Center for Competitive Politics - a Free Speech Alliance member - today at Red State does a magnificent job dismantling serially failed liberal radio talk show host Bill Press's woefully lame arguments for equal time for Leftists on the airwaves. 

Though Press swears no one is calling for the Censorship Doctrine, also mis-known as the "Fairness" Doctrine. 

Though Press himself did exactly that in an op-ed on February 9th

And got two Democratic Senators on the record on HIS radio show (with listeners numbering in the tens) to do the same.

And has apparently forgotten the litany of other Donkey elected officials who have expressed the same sentiment to censor.  (There are many more than I care to build links for in this brief missive.)

That being said, the Left has in fact at least tacitly acknowledged the political cost to reinstating the old Censorship Doctrine as perhaps too high.  So they have moved on (.org) to alternate avenues to reaching the same destination - the silencing of conservative and Christian talk radio.

Doubt that's their ultimate desire?  You absolutely shouldn't