NB's Bozell on Hannity & Colmes About NBC's Decision to Declare Iraq a 'Civil War'

November 27th, 2006 10:10 PM
Brent Bozell, the President of the Media Research Center, the parent of NewsBusters, appeared alongside Democratic strategist Laura Schwartz on Monday night's Hannity & Colmes on FNC to discuss the decision by NBC News to call the situation in Iraq a “civil war.” (Earlier NewsBusters items by Mark Finkelstein and by Geoffrey Dickens on how on Today Matt Lauer insisted NBC made the decision “after careful consideration,” as well as an evening show update on NewsBusters from Brent Baker on how NBC admitted the “civil war” term would erode support for the war.) Bozell contended: “Of course it's a mess over there. That does not mean it's a civil war and that's what the question was. And when Matt Lauer and NBC make the editorial determination that it's a civil war that's an editorial and that's a biased judgment on their part.” [The segment is 40 minutes into the show which will re-run at 12 midnight EST, 11pm CST, 9pm PST]

At one point Bozell told Alan Colmes to “hush,” leading Sean Hannity to propose: "Brent, you get the award for the Phrase of the Year: 'Alan, hush.'" Bozell earlier recalled how back in August of 2005 Lauer repeatedly pressed soldiers in Iraq to admit they had low morale, prompting one to fire back: “If I got my news from the newspapers also I'd be pretty depressed as well." (Links to that incident, with video, below the break)

Video clip of second half of segment (2:35): Real (4.5 MB) or Windows Media (5.1 MB), plus MP3 audio (925 KB)

Finkelstein's NewsBusters item on Lauer's 2005 exchange with troops in Iraq, with video. Real and Windows video also available in the MRC's “Best Notable Quotables of 2005: The Eighteenth Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting" for the exchange which won the “Good Morning Morons Award.” The MRC's CyberAlert with a full transcript.