According to Dan Rather’s new employer, the debut of “Dan Rather Reports” is scheduled for just two months from now, in October. Yet according to HDNet's Web site, the program is currently (as of August 3) seeking multiple producers, associate producers and editors — basically, all of the off-camera reporters and production staffers who make a big TV news show work.
Besides the disgraced ex-CBS Evening News anchor, HDNet has announced just one hire for “Dan Rather Reports,” tapping a longtime CBS veteran producer, Wayne Nelson, who will be the Executive Producer for new “investigative news” program. (Wasn’t “investigative news” what got Rather into trouble in the first place?) Nelson’s career highlights include stints at CBS’s Dallas bureau, the CBS Evening News and 60 Minutes.
The on-line classified ad for producers — responsible for “developing, writing and producing quality television news stories” as well as “extensive investigative reporting” — seeks candidates with “at least 5 years experience with television piece production, excellent writing skills and good story telling ability.” Associate producers need just 3-5 years experience.
And they promise good benefits. Just don’t send your resume using Microsoft Word — HDNet specifically forbids this. Use plain text or a PDF instead.