NYT: Republicans Voting for Stimulus Package Are Being Patriotic

February 7th, 2009 12:25 PM
Roughly five months after Joe Biden informed the nation that paying higher taxes is patriotic, it now appears radically increasing government spending and the federal debt is as well.At least that's what one gets from a New York Times piece Saturday applauding a Senate compromise on President Barack Obama's stimulus package.Here are the paragraphs where patriotism was prominently mentioned (…

Rolling Stone Defends Pork, Attacks GOP

February 7th, 2009 11:12 AM
While Capitol Hill is working on a "compromise" I thought it fitting to take a look at how the usual suspects in the media are dealing with Republican leaders that dare speak out and identify elements of the stimulus package that have nothing to do with stimulating the economy. For this task I turned to Rolling Stone Magazine and quickly came upon an article headlined "The Unserious Opposition".…

Newsweek's Hirsh on Stimulus: Don't Worry About Pork, This is an 'Emer

February 5th, 2009 2:05 PM
It's time to wave the white flag and surrender to "post-partisan" unity. Yes, it's time for conservatives to abandon core principles and just allow the Pelosi/Reid/Obama pork-a-palooza, also known as the stimulus or the American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill of 2009, to pass into law. At least that's what one Newsweek columnist would have conservatives do. Now is not the time for political…

HuffPo Blogger Cheap Shots CNBC's Burnett for Not Toeing Populist Line

February 2nd, 2009 6:31 PM
Don't like the notion of Wall Street employees receiving bonuses? Shoot the messenger - as Adam Green at The Huffington Post has done. In a Feb. 2 post on The Huffington Post, Green said it was bad form for CNBC "Street Signs" host Erin Burnett to even think about considering the other side of the anti-Wall Street bonus argument, since some Wall Street banks received TARP funds, courtesy of the…

Cramer on Obama's Anti-Wall Street Comments: 'We Heard Lenin

February 2nd, 2009 4:09 PM
With all the populist sentiment generated from the economic slowdown by politicians, CNBC "Mad Money" host Jim Cramer is seeing eerie similarities with the comments of President Barack Obama and the words of a communist revolutionary. Cramer, appearing on MSNBC's Feb. 2 "Morning Joe," drew comparisons between remarks between the first head of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Lenin, and Obama. Obama…

CNBC: Paulson 'Put a Gun to All Their Heads

October 15th, 2008 3:16 PM
Gee, and I thought I might be pushing the envelope on September 28 when I expressed concern that the "bailout" with the made-up $700 billion price tag that turned into the pork-loaded "bailout" with the made-up $850 billion price tag "blackmail" (though "extortion" may be the more appropriate word). It is clear that this is indeed the case, at least twice over. First, there were the threats made…

CNBC's Francis and Haines Call Senate Bailout Bill Tax Add-Ons 'Crap

October 2nd, 2008 10:41 AM
You've got to love brutal honesty, especially when it comes from the financial media. The Senate's version of a bailout bill, which passed last night by a margin of 74-25, included "sweeteners" - or obscure tax breaks - including benefits for the manufacturer of wooden arrows used in children's toys and another for litigants in the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill. Melissa Francis, co-host of CNBC'…

Dems Bailout Proposal Redirects 'Paulson's Profits' To Left-Wing Group

September 26th, 2008 7:46 AM
Bush told the country that we are in an economic crisis and his Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson, came up with an idea that would, it is claimed, end up actually making money for the U.S. Treasury in the long run. That's all well and good, but the Democrats already have a plan to siphon off any repayment of the people's money back to the treasury by adding one little line to the agreement that…

'Obamazebo' Project Under Investigation; Sun-Times Follows Up; Drudge

September 26th, 2008 12:15 AM
This post updates primary work done by the Chicago Sun-Times in July (accompanying video is here), this September 7 post at NewsBusters, and two related posts (here and here) at BizzyBlog. Graphics are mostly courtesy of NewsBusters commenter "tnculp." Hat tips go to all who tipped me to the news. In a Thursday story by Chris Fusco and Dave McKinney that has been linked by Drudge, the Chicago Sun…

CNN Slams Palin for ‘Road to Nowhere’ Project She Couldn’t Oppos

September 24th, 2008 3:20 PM
Wednesday’s American Morning program ran a report by correspondent Abbie Boudreau that desperately tried to criticize vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin for a "Road to Nowhere" that was part of the infamous "Bridge to Nowhere" project. Boudreau interviewed Bob Weinstein, the Democratic mayor of Ketchikan, Alaska, who claimed that the Alaska governor "spent $26 million out of a federal…

Palin Killed Bridge to Nowhere, per ..... AK Dems

September 9th, 2008 3:48 PM
The indefatigable Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs has the news: Alaska Democratic Party Deletes Page Crediting Sarah Palin with Killing 'Bridge to Nowhere' A web site paid for by the Alaska Democratic Party says unequivocally that the state of Alaska officially abandoned the Bridge to Nowhere project, and credits Governor Sarah Palin. Or ... it used to say that, before the page…

Barack Obama's $1.1 Million Botanical Garden -- Er, $100,000 Gazebo (G

September 7th, 2008 2:35 PM
The media and the Obama campaign (but I repeat myself) are comparing the "experience" of'the Democrats' presidential nominee to that of the GOP's vice-presidential pick -- meaning, one must assume, that the debate over his experience vs. John McCain's is over, in McCain's resounding favor. Let's look back a couple of months at a post I put up on July 14 (with minor revisions) that gives a, uh,…

'American Morning' Fact Checks Palin But Not Obama or Biden

September 5th, 2008 1:44 PM
Friday's "American Morning" featured a segment dedicated to fact checking Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin's speech to the Republican National Convention. In introducing the reporter who did the fact checking, co-host Kiran Chetry claimed, "CNN's Deborah Feyerick is here to fact check Palin's speech and I'm sure whenever politics is involved we have to fact check these."…

'McCain Should Be Dancing on Ted Stevens's Political Grave

July 30th, 2008 9:15 AM
Chuck Todd has some advice for John McCain: embrace Ted Stevens' demise. The NBC News political director made his suggestion in the course of kibitzing McCain campaign strategy with Joe Scarborough on today's Morning Joe.CHUCK TODD: Joe, why isn't McCain jumping on this Ted Stevens thing?  He hated Ted Stevens.JOE SCARBOROUGH: He did!TODD:  He should be dancing on this guy's political grave today…