Fox News Anchors Debunk Lefty Claim Network’s an 'Organ' of GOP in G

December 12th, 2009 11:20 PM
One of the favorite talking points that often comes from Fox News detractors is the claim that the News Corp (NASDAQ:NWSA) cable news is somehow an organ of the Republican Party. It's a claim that former White House Communications Director Anita Dunn made, along with countless other accusations from prominent Democrats. However, these Democrats would be doing themselves and their audiences a…

Bill Press: Beck a 'Ticking Time Bomb'; Warns Ailes Will 'Be Sorry' Th

November 29th, 2009 4:38 PM
Glenn Beck - he has one of the highest-rated shows on the top cable news network. He's had a number of bestselling books and he's called attention to some unsavory characters working in the Obama administration. Yet - he's somehow considered to be a risky business decision for the powers in charge at Fox News. On CNN's Nov. 29 "Reliable Sources," host Howard Kurtz pointed out Glenn Beck accusing…

'Louisiana Purchase' Landrieu Blames ABC Report of $100 Million Buyoff

November 21st, 2009 2:30 PM
What's $100 million of taxpayer money between a few U.S. Senators? After reports surfaced of $100 million for Louisiana was added to the Senate's health care reform legislation, originally from ABC News, and subsequently commented upon by prominent lefties, like U.S. News and World Report's Bonnie Erbe as my colleague Noel Sheppard pointed out, Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., took the Senate floor on…

Newsweek: 'What Green Jobs? Washington Is Spending $60 Billion...But N

July 29th, 2009 9:26 PM
Newsweek magazine had yesterday a web exclusive entitled "What Green Jobs?"  Subtitled:  "Washington is spending $60 billion to create the careers of the future, but not a single green job yet exists. Obama's 'green czar' explains."The Leftist publication deserves some plaudits for exploring this $60 billion gaping hole in the $787 billion "stimulus" package President Barack Obama signed into law…

Kudos: Jake Tapper Critical of Obama's 'Tiny' Budget Cut Efforts

May 8th, 2009 9:07 AM
With much fanfare, President Barack Obama rolled out his intentions to cut $17 billion from the federal budget on May 7. But despite the spinmeisters, not everyone was buying it. "The White House today played up its proposed cuts to the federal budget," ABC "World News" anchor Charles Gibson said on his May 7 broadcast. "That budget plays up to $3.6 trillion. The White House wants to trim a tiny…

Summary of the April 15 TEA Parties Media Coverage

April 22nd, 2009 4:20 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Lamestream Media The media coverage of the more than 800 Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Party protests that took place in all fifty states on April 15 ranged from disdainful dismissal of their nature, significance and import, to outright hostility towards the events and individual participants, to sexual innuendo-based full-on ridicule…

CNN's Fox-Bashing/Fox-Job Applying Roesgen 'Tak(ing) a Break

April 17th, 2009 4:48 PM
CNN's Susan Roesgen has had a rough week, what with all the ordinary American/First Amendment practitioners bashing she so passionately and obnoxiously delivered in her TEA Party reporting.Perhaps it was the sniping at the place she twice applied in 2005 - Rupert Murdoch's House of Ratings, otherwise known as Fox News - that put her over the edge.Or whether or not her email box was so overwhelmed…

CNN's 'Anti-Government' TEA Party Reporter: Obama as Hitler? 'Offensiv

April 16th, 2009 12:31 PM
CNN reporter Susan Roesgen became a pseudo-"journalistic" anti-hero yesterday for her obnoxiously belligerent interview of one Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Party participant and her overall assessment of the more than 750 events around the country as amongst other derogatory things "anti-government."  But in another segment, she delved into rank hypocrisy the likes of which we rarely find even in…

AP: 'Obama Rhetoric, Reality Clash' But It's Not Really His Fault

March 21st, 2009 6:08 PM
"PROMISES, PROMISES: Obama rhetoric, reality clash" is today's offering from Liz Sidoti, the Associated Press White House correspondent.  The piece begins with a harsh assessment:Barack Obama's optimistic campaign rhetoric has crashed headlong into the stark reality of governing.In office two months, he has backpedaled on an array of issues, gingerly shifting positions as circumstances dictate…

NBC's Vieira Refuses to Challenge Barney Frank on Wasteful Earmarks

March 16th, 2009 12:13 PM
Barney Frank was allowed, by NBC's Meredith Vieira, to go on a tear against AIG for wasting bailout money on corporate bonuses, on Monday's "Today" show, yet Vieira never once interrupted Frank to point out his own wasteful stimulus spending on earmarks going to Frank's home district, including $1 million for scallop research. Vieira also didn't interject when Frank blamed the Bush administration…

Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va) Promised Earmarks, and Has Delivered

March 15th, 2009 11:26 AM
The Seattle Times compiles what it calls "The Favor Factory," which it calls "A database of lawmakers, earmarks, and campaign giving." One noteworthy congressman in the Favor Factory is Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA; picture at right is currently at his home page). Moran's Favors Factory page for 2008 lists 29 earmarks totaling $40.6 million, and over $890,000 in capaign contributions from earmark…

CBS Report On Obama Earmark Hypocrisy Mentions Larry Craig

March 12th, 2009 4:09 PM
In what was an otherwise critical story about President Obama signing an earmark-laden spending bill despite promising an end to such pork barrel projects, on Wednesday’s CBS Evening News correspondent Chip Reid decided to mention a modest earmark by former Idaho Senator Larry Craig: "And it's not just Democrats, about 40% of the earmarks were inserted by Republicans. Even retired lawmakers.…

CNN's Brown: Obama's 'Stimulus Plan Really Is Saving Jobs.' For How Lo

March 7th, 2009 3:27 PM
CNN anchor Campbell Brown began her No Bias, No Bull program Friday evening with only part of a major story.  Reporting on Barack Obama's stimulus plan "saving" 25 police jobs in Columbus, Ohio, she overlooked an essential fact: the jobs Obama took bows for yesterday may well not be permanent.  She started her broadcast:CAMPBELL BROWN, CNN ANCHOR: Hi, everyone.On a day when the number of…

CNN's Heidi Collins: Monstrous Spending Bill 'Is a Hold-Over From the

March 6th, 2009 2:58 PM
On this morning's CNN Newsroom, anchor Heidi Collins gave Barack Obama some cover by characterizing the omnibus spending bill, larded with thousands of earmarks, as left over from the Bush administration:A controversial $410 billion spending bill hits a snag in the Senate. This is the bill we've been talking about with about $8 billion in earmarks. Republicans and a few Democrats are mad about…