AP's Elliott Claims 'One Nation' Event 'Tapping Into the Same Anger' a

October 3rd, 2010 11:24 AM
At about 3 p.m. Saturday, one version of the reportage from the Associated Press's Philip Elliott concerning the "One Nation" rally in Washington opened as follows (saved here at host for future reference, fair use and discussion purposes; bold is mine): Tapping into the same anger that fuels the tea party movement, a coalition of progressive and civil rights groups marched Saturday on the…

Jay Leno Makes Oral Sex Joke About Christine O'Donnell

October 2nd, 2010 6:16 PM
Jay Leno on Friday made an oral sex joke about Delaware Republican senatorial candidate Christine O'Donnell.His "Tonight Show" guest was "Family Guy" creator Seth MacFarlane, who last week himself made a sexual comment about O'Donnell on HBO's "Real Time" as NewsBusters previously reported.Leno brought this up with MacFarlane who joked, "I think the second she opened her mouth, it would probably…

Ed Schultz Tells One Nation Rally 'Conservatives Are Holding You Down

October 2nd, 2010 3:25 PM
Ed Schultz told the One Nation rally in Washington, D.C., Saturday that conservatives are holding the American people down and want discrimination. "The conservative voices of America, they are holding you down," said Schultz. "They don't believe in your freedom. They want the concentration of wealth. They've shipped your job overseas...They suppress your vote." Not sounding at all like a uniting…

NYT's Blow: Republicans Better Informed Than Blacks and Hispanics

October 2nd, 2010 1:23 PM
Here's something you wouldn't expect to read in the New York Times: Republicans are better informed about political issues than blacks, Hispanics, and young people."Big-city liberals and their blogging buddies love to paint Tea Partiers as yokels with incoherent candidates and language-mauling signs," began Charles Blow's column Saturday."The unpleasant fact that these liberals rarely mention,…

DNC $1 Mil Fundraiser Held at Former ABC Reporter's Home

October 2nd, 2010 11:31 AM
The arrangement described here is so journalistically incestuous I was considering hanging an NC-17 (or worse) rating on this post. You see, the husband of a former longtime ABC reporter held a Democratic National Committee fundraiser at the couple's home Thursday night at which President Barack Obama appeared for 15 minutes. The reporter's husband was on the Obama campaign's national finance…

Bill Maher Calls Republicans 'A Deadly Enemy

October 2nd, 2010 10:25 AM
After telling his audience that his job isn't to "carry water for this or any administration," Bill Maher on Friday closed his show with a campaign speech begging viewers to support Democrats in the upcoming midterm elections. "When it comes to voting, when we only have two choices, you got to grow up and realize there's a big difference between a disappointing friend and a deadly enemy," said…

Psst! Ford Cuts GM's Lead in Half in Sept.; GM Completes Acquisition o

October 1st, 2010 11:06 PM
Government/General Motors saw its total vehicle sales fall in September to 173,031 from 185,105 in August. At the same time, Ford's sales increased from to 157,327 to 160,375. Thus, what was an almost 28,000-vehicle lead for GM in August shrank by more than half to less than 13,000 in September. No one has a crystal ball, of course, but if GM falls and Ford surges by similar amounts in October,…

Lawrence O'Donnell Draws Parallel Between Extreme Militia Groups and T

October 1st, 2010 4:54 PM
What do Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, a domestic terrorist who was developing a nuclear weapon, and Tea Party activists concerned about lavish government spending have in common? Nothing, unless you're a newly-minted cable news anchor with a liberal agenda.Interviewing a Time magazine writer who conducted an in-depth investigation into right-wing militias, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell on…

More Free Air Time: MSNBC Maddow Show Airs Almost Ten Minutes of Obama

October 1st, 2010 3:47 PM
While liberals complain that Fox News is too helpful in offering its air time for Republican candidates and campaigns, MSNBC continued the recent string of NBC-Universal properties bowing to President Obama with gobs of unchallenged free air time. On Thursday night's Rachel Maddow Show, MSNBC offered two large chunks of a speech Obama gave to the DNC's "Gen 44" initiative for young people.…

CNBC's Kudlow: 'Serious Insider' Says NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg Next

October 1st, 2010 3:30 PM
With what appears to be a devastating election looming for his party, is President Obama attempting to follow in the footsteps of one of his predecessors and moderate toward the center? Not if choosing Pete Rouse to replace chief of staff Rahm Emanuel is any indication,  according to CNBC’s Larry Kudlow. On the Oct. 1 broadcast of “The Call,” CNBC Washington correspondent John Harwood…

'Media Mash' Examines 'Nothing But Campaigning' [NBC] for Obama Networ

October 1st, 2010 11:15 AM
"You have to wonder, Sean, what planet our friend Matt Lauer is living on right now," NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell quipped after watching a clip of the "Today" show co-host all but urging President Obama in an interview to be tougher by "pushing back" against Republicans in the remaining weeks before the November midterms."Barack Obama has done nothing but blame George Bush for everything…

Behar & Maher Fret ‘Tragedy’ That Jimmy Carter ‘Vilified,’ IQ

October 1st, 2010 3:05 AM
Appearing as a guest on Tuesday’s Joy Behar Show on HLN, comedian Bill Maher praised Jimmy Carter as "a better proponent of what Democrats actually believed in," and asserted that it was "fantastic" when Carter bragged about never taking military action against anyone during his tenure, as the HBO host complained about the modern day Democratic party. Maher: "He was a better proponent of what…

Jobless Advocate Shocks Ed Schultz: Democrats Put Us In This Situation

September 30th, 2010 10:20 PM
Ed Schultz must have had the shock of his life Thursday when a jobless advocate told him, "It was the Democrats that caused us to be in the situation that we're in."Mignon Veasley-Fields is a 61-year-old Los Angeles grandmother who has been out of work since June 2008. Her unemployment benefits ran out over three months ago.Since then, she has been bringing attention to the long-term unemployed…

Truth-Seeking with Lawrence O'Donnell and Matt Taibbi: Tea Party is 'N

September 30th, 2010 6:02 PM
"What's the answer to the Tea Party racist question?"Galloping into the 10 p.m. Eastern timeslot as the white knight of truth, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell, host of "The Last Word," challenged left-wing writer Matt Taibbi on September 29 to answer this incisive question.Eager to discuss the subject of his latest conservative hit-piece, Taibbi imparted the sort of thoughtful analysis viewers should…