Chris Matthews Rips Liberal Journalist For Endorsing All Democrat Cand

October 5th, 2010 11:00 PM
An extraordinary thing happened on MSNBC Tuesday: Chris Matthews scolded a fellow liberal journalist for endorsing all of the Democrat candidates up for election in the Senate this November.While discussing the battle between Republican candidate Linda McMahon and Democrat candidate Richard Blumenthal in Connecticut, the "Hardball" host expressed serious concerns about the latter lying about his…

CBS's Greenfield Offers Step-by-Step Campaign Advice to Dems

October 5th, 2010 3:59 PM
Touting "faint signs of hope" for Democrats in November, on Monday's CBS Evening News, political correspondent Jeff Greenfield outlined a strategy the DNC could use to stave off major Republican gains in Congress: "So how could Democrats prevent, or at least minimize, their losses? There are three keys."Greenfield began by encouraging efforts to re-energize the left: "First, turn out the base....…

As Feingold Runs Afoul of NFL, AP Claims He Is 'Slightly Trailing' In

October 5th, 2010 3:30 PM
The National Football League is whistling incumbent Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold's campaign team for illegal use of film.The campaign has been playing a commercial which includes footage of former Minnesota wide receiver Randy Moss's pretend-mooning of Green Bay Packer fans during a 2004 playoff game, and is apparently doing so without the express written consent of the league. During the…

Combative George Stephanopoulos Pushes Idea That the Tea Party May Be

October 5th, 2010 12:37 PM
ABC trumpeted a new poll on Tuesday as proof that conservatives and Republicans could be losing ground in the midterm election. Good Morning America co-host George Stephanopoulos excitedly opened the show by speculating, "This morning, is the Tea Party losing traction? Our new poll says the answer may be yes as the movement's most famous candidate releases this ad." The morning show then replayed…

MRC Launches $2.1 Million Campaign Demanding Liberal Media 'Tell the T

October 5th, 2010 10:45 AM
Calling the liberal mainstream media the "'shock troops' of the Obama administration," NewsBusters publisher and Media Research Center president Brent Bozell has “declared war on the liberal media” with a new $2.1 million campaign to demand they stop lying and “Tell The Truth!” about Obama, the damage his radical policies have caused, and to cease immediately the character assassinations launched…

Katrina Vanden Heuvel: 'Wonder Bread' Beck Rally 'Shamed' MLK's Speech

October 4th, 2010 10:49 PM
Nation magazine editor Katrina vanden Heuvel made some truly disgusting remarks on MSNBC Monday.Chatting with Ed Schultz about Saturday's "One Nation" rally, vanden Heuvel first offered a despicable racial comparison between the makeup of that crowd and the one at the "Restoring Honor" rally in August.Next, the unapologetic liberal said Glenn Beck and Fox News "shamed Martin Luther King's great…

Ed Schultz: One Nation Rally Had Just As Many People As Glenn Beck's

October 4th, 2010 9:32 PM
The delusion starting to take hold of the liberal media as the midterm elections near is becoming more and more apparent with each passing day.Despite pictures clearly showing that Saturday's "One Nation" rally had far fewer attendees than August's "Restoring Honor" event, MSNBC's Ed Schultz claimed Monday the crowds were equal in size.So separated from reality is Schultz that towards the end of…

Pornographer Larry Flynt Exhibits Higher Journalistic Standards than C

October 4th, 2010 3:53 PM
CNN’s Don Lemon hosted pornographer Larry Flynt on Sunday’s Newsroom, ostensibly to talk about an upcoming Supreme Court case in which the 1988 case of Hustler Magazine v. Falwell is being cited as a precedent. But Lemon quickly turned to politics, asking the Hustler publisher to regurgitate tawdry details of Republican Senator David Vitter’s prostitution scandal (as if CNN wasn’t in the…

CBS: Carter Claims High Approval Rating During 'Very Successful

October 4th, 2010 1:18 PM
Appearing on Monday's CBS Early Show, former President Jimmy Carter came up with his own version of history while remarking on Democratic chances in this year's midterm elections: "...when I was in office at this time, I had a 66% favorable rating and we had a very successful midterm election." In reality, Carter's approval stood at 49% in late October of 1978 and the Democrats lost seats in…

ABC's Jon Karl Highlights 'Admission' That Tea Party Candidate Opposes

October 4th, 2010 12:39 PM
Good Morning America on Monday highlighted the "admission" by Tea Party backed candidate Joe Miller that he opposes the federal minimum wage. Reporter Jon Karl breathlessly related, "In an exclusive interview with ABC News, Alaska's Joe Miller talked about rolling back the power of the federal government further than Republicans have talked about for more than 70 years." An ABC graphic appeared…

Palm Beach Post Misses Own Charlie Crist 'Pinocchio Moment' Scoop

October 4th, 2010 12:01 PM
Updated with correction below.How embarrassing is it when a senatorial candidate sits down with your own editorial board and issues a statement so absurdly mendacious that the video clip of the "Pinocchio moment" becomes a big hit in the blogosphere yet your own story about the interview completely misses it? Such was the case with the Palm Beach Post. Charlie Crist sat down for an hour long…

Ed Schultz Friday: 'More Than 300,000' Will Attend One Nation Rally

October 3rd, 2010 9:51 PM
Ed Schultz on Friday predicted that more than 300,000 people would attend Saturday's "One Nation" rally in Washington, D.C.This wasn't the first time he made such a bold forecast, for on August 31 just days after Glenn Beck's successful "Restoring Honor" rally, Schultz arrogantly boasted on his radio program, "I could get the Service Employees International Union, I could get AFSCME, I could get…

Monica Crowley Smacks Down Eleanor Clift Over GOP Being 'Extreme

October 3rd, 2010 3:39 PM
Conservative commentator Monica Crowley and Newsweek's Eleanor Clift got into another heated debate on PBS's "McLaughlin Group" this weekend.This time, the perilously liberal Clift claimed policy proposals set forth in the Republican "Pledge to America" were "extreme.""They should have just stood aside and let [the upcoming elections] be a referendum on the Democrats," claimed Clift."This…

Brit Hume Battles Juan Williams Over Congress Adjourning Before Tax Cu

October 3rd, 2010 12:14 PM
Brit Hume on Sunday took Juan Williams to task over the Democrats adjourning Congress without voting on extending some or all of the Bush tax cuts.As host Chris Wallace moved the panel segment of "Fox News Sunday" to last week's decision by legislators to head home to their states and/or districts in preparation for the upcoming elections, he asked Williams for his opinion.Williams said that he…