According to the National Review, MSNBC’s Touré Neblett, who serves as co-host of The Cycle, reportedly owes more than $59,000 in back taxes.
In September 2013 “New York issued a state tax warrant to Neblett and his wife, Rita Nakouzi, for $46,862.68. Six months later, the state issued an additional warrant to the couple for $12,849.87.”
National Review notes that Touré now joins Joy-Ann Reid, Al Sharpton and Melissa Harris-Perry as MSNBC hosts who have tax problems:
Last month, New York filed a $4,948.15 tax warrant against Joy-Ann Reid, who serves as managing editor of and until earlier this year hosted MSNBC’s The Reid Report, and her husband, Jason. Reid has called taxes on the wealthy “a basic fairness argument,” also arguing for “smart spending and smart tax increases” to create economic growth.
Last week, the Winston-Salem Journal reported that Melissa Harris-Perry, who hosts an MSNBC show named after herself, and her husband, James Perry, owed around $70,000 in delinquent taxes, according to a federal lien filed in April 2015. Harris-Perry told the newspaper that she and her husband had made a $21,721 payment toward that debt on Tax Day.
--Meanwhile, Al Sharpton’s tax problems have been the subject of extensive coverage by National Review and other publications. In November, the New York Times estimated that Sharpton and his entities owed as much as $4.5 million in taxes, penalties, and interest, a sum the MSNBC host disputes.
Despite Touré's alleged tax problems, MSNBC continues to allow him to use their airwaves to spew his far-left views 5 days a week. Below is just a small sample of some of his worst outbursts since he joined the “Lean Forward” network:
· Has questioned how a plane could have crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11
· Claimed conservatives were successful at “demonizing immigrants”
· Called black CNN anchor Don Lemon a “white leader”
· Argued that Obama being interrupted during a press conference “cannot be disconnected from the fact that he’s black”
· Once hinted that Fox News’ Megyn Kelly was a white supremacist