Tim Geithner to Grads: Work for the Government

May 6th, 2011 4:01 PM
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said that his advice to young professionals would be that they take time away from their careers to work for the federal government. Speaking to a gathering of mutual fund advisors in Washington, D.C., on  Wednesday, Geithner was asked what his advice would be to young professionals entering the work force.

NYT 'Shazam!' Moment: 'Stimulus by Fed Is Disappointing

April 25th, 2011 8:54 PM
Perhaps you hadn't noticed, but in late August 2010 Ben Bernanke took on complete responsibility for everything -- especially everything mediocre or bad -- that occurs in the economy. I know this because on August 27 and 28 (covered here and here), the Associated Press issued three reports essentially telling readers that it was up to Ben to save us. There wasn't anything Barack Obama, Tim…

Reid 'Depression' Remark Ignored by AP Until GOP Responds; TARP 2008 D

October 23rd, 2010 10:23 AM
When a Democrat or leftist makes an ill-advised remark, it seems that there's a three-stage process at the Associated Press, and perhaps in most other establishment press outlets, for handling it. It goes roughly like this: Stage 1 - Ignore it as long as you can. If there isn't much outcry, keep ignoring it. Stage 2 - If there ends up being enough of an outcry from conservatives or…

As Economy Stumbles, Obama's Economic Team Quits

September 30th, 2010 10:33 AM
After nearly two years in office, the "first rate" economic team that President Obama assembled to turn things around - Peter Orszag, Christina Romer, Larry Summers and Timothy Giethner - has itself nearly turned over. His E-team of "brainy" economists, as ABC's Claire Shipman called one of them, went to work even before Obama took office, ultimately crafting a massive stimulus plan…

AP's Econ Coverage Continues Singular Focus on Bernanke, Non-Naming of

August 28th, 2010 10:18 AM
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's first full day as the only person in the whole wide world with any kind of influence over what happens in the economy didn't go too badly. That's the impression one might get from consuming two Friday Associated dispatches and a related AP Video. Bernanke apparently took full charge of anything and everything having to do with the economy on Thursday evening. As…

'Recovery Summer' vs. 'Mission Accomplished': Will MSM Immortalize Oba

August 9th, 2010 3:37 PM
For the media, "Mission Accomplished" represents everything that was wrong with the George W. Bush administration and its war policy. The image of Bush declaring unequivocal victory mere weeks after the invasion of Iraq has been ballyhooed as a visual representation of Bush's arrogance, naivete, even dishonesty (the media contrived most of this meme - more on that below).Will Barack Obama have a…

George Stephanopoulos Hits Geithner From the Left on Financial Regulat

April 22nd, 2010 5:14 PM
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Thursday challenged Timothy Geithner from the left, advocating that the administration really needs to "do something" tough with the financial reform bill. He complained, "I mean, you have got a situation now where the six biggest banks in the country have assets equal to more than 60 percent of GDP. Why shouldn't those big banks be broken up?"…

After Obsessing Over Enron's Political Friends, Media Mostly Ignore Mu

April 20th, 2010 5:02 PM
President Obama has extensive ties to Goldman Sachs. Yet even given record-breaking financial contributions and sketchy relationships between Goldman executives and Obama officials at the highest level, the mainstream media will not afford Obama the same scrutiny it gave to George W. Bush during the collapse of Enron.Obama's inflation-adjusted $1,007,370.85 in contributions from Goldman employees…

CBS’s 'Early Show' Skips Grilling of Geithner, Lawmakers Calling for

November 20th, 2009 12:24 PM
CBS’s Early Show on Friday completely ignored the grilling Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner received on Capitol Hill on Thursday and the calls for his resignation by members of Congress. ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today both covered the contentious exchanges. ABC’s Good Morning America provided the most coverage. Correspondent Bianna Golodryga observed that "a handful of Republicans and…

Cash Crunch, Press Silence: As ObamaCare Advances In Congress, Uncle S

November 5th, 2009 4:06 PM
The August Congressional Budget Office budget forecast for the fiscal year that began last month says that Uncle Sam will take in $2.264 trillion from October 2009 through September 2010. That's an increase of 7.6% over fiscal 2009's intake of $2.105 trillion. Though it won't be official until Tim Geithner's crew releases its Monthly Treasury Statement next week, it's virtually certain that the…

Diane Sawyer's Surprisingly Tough Interview With Geithner: Hits Massiv

September 15th, 2009 12:57 PM
Good Morning America co-host Diane Sawyer on Tuesday conducted a surprisingly tough interview with Tim Geithner, grilling the Treasury Secretary on tax increases, spending and highlighting the 9/12 rally in Washington D.C. Speaking of the American people, she asserted, "They don't see a possible way out without tax raises." After Geithner tried to squirm out of responding, Sawyer, who will leave…

Craig T. Nelson: Taxpayers Should Withhold Amount Tim Geithner Withhel

June 23rd, 2009 5:10 AM
On the Wednesday, June 10, Hannity show on FNC, host Sean Hannity showed a pre-recorded interview with actor Craig T. Nelson, who repeated his recent suggestion that taxpayers should refuse to pay as long as their money is being spent by the government irresponsibly, and this time tied in Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's failure to pay thousands of dollars in taxes. After recounting the…

Weekend Captionfest

March 27th, 2009 4:00 PM
Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) chats with Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner before a hearing on AIG chaired by Frank on March 24, 2009.

BMI's Dan Gainor on Fox Business to Grade Obama's Economic Team Perfor

March 17th, 2009 6:00 PM
Business and Media Institute's Dan Gainor appeared on Fox Business News "Money for Breakfast" March 17 to discuss the Obama economic team's performance in the administration's first 50 days. Gainor dubbed Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner "the worst" because "when he came out and talked about the housing plan that he didn't have, the markets tanked." Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve Chairman…