Natl. Press Fails to Spot Alarming Trend After Two More Slain Cops

October 10th, 2016 2:17 PM
Three police officers were shot by a gang member Saturday afternoon in Palm Springs, California. Two of them have died. The third suffered nonlife-threatening injuries and was expected to leave the hospital Sunday. Once again, the deadly motivation seen in Dallas and Baton Rouge just three months ago, the desire "to shoot police," emerged. With the exception of one local newspaper, the press is…

Fun Facts of the Night in the West Coast Ports Strike

December 2nd, 2012 11:50 PM
Tonight's fun facts relate to the strike by the group a Reuters report describes as "500 clerical workers at the ports, members of the relatively small Office of Clerical Union Workers" at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. The strikers' picket lines have been honored by "some 10,000 members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union." These fun facts are rarely mentioned, but…

LA Occupiers' Defiance Is National News at AP; Their 25 Tons of Disgus

December 1st, 2011 10:39 PM
It appears that cleanup crews around the country aren't the only ones engaging in sanitation exercises in the wake of the largely disbanded Occupy encampments around the country. At the Associated Press, which made the goings-on in the waning days of Occupy LA national news, the aftermath is apparently just a local or regional story. Here's a list of results at the AP's national site of a…