Samuelson: Higher Taxes Inhibit Having Children, Will Destroy Economy

August 9th, 2010 10:35 AM
As media predictably pound the table for Congress to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire, an interesting analysis by Washington Post contributor Robert J. Samuelson should raise a caution flag.Higher taxes inhibit couples from having children which in other developed nations has led to longterm economic paralysis.In a western civilization that got drunk on entitlement programs in the previous…

After Attacking McCain for Them, Suddenly Newsweek Finds Lobbyists Are

December 17th, 2008 8:01 AM
During the recently completed presidential campaign, Newsweek's Michael Isikoff was all excited over his "web exclusive" piece on staffers with the McCain campaign that had connections with past lobbying efforts. Back in those days Newsweek was all about the evils of those darn lobbyists. For their part, Obama supporters at the time ballyhooed the pledges that Barack Obama had made stating that…

Newsweek Editor Calls Global Warming Cover Story ‘Fundamentally Misl

August 12th, 2007 1:25 AM
It appears hell hath frozen over, for a Newsweek contributing editor published an article Saturday extraordinarily critical of his magazine's cover story last week about "global-warming deniers" being funded by oil companies in an organized scam to thwart science. In fact, Robert J. Samuelson accurately noted how "self-righteous indignation can undermine good journalism," and that this…