Salon Culture Critic: Is Holder Obama's 'Inner N--ger

July 20th, 2013 10:49 AM
This week, George Zimmerman prosecution witness Rachel Jeantel informed America that "n--ga" isn't racist as long as it ends with an "a" and not an "er." Defying this rule Friday was Salon culture critic Rich Benjamin who actually asked, "Is Holder the president’s conscience? Or his Inner N--ger?"

USA Today Op-Ed: ‘Obama Is...Wizard of All Things to All People and

February 13th, 2011 10:44 AM
Friday’s USA Today featured an op-ed, “Centrist Obama mustn't sacrifice too much,” from Rich Benjamin, a Senior Fellow at something called “Demos,” who admitted he remains “besotted by President Obama” as he gushed: Obama is...rebooting his operation to what he knows best: wizard of all things to all people and master of warm healing. He is acting as a multi-hued, but blank, canvas upon…