HuffPo + Religion Still Equals a Liberal Blogspot

February 25th, 2010 12:04 PM
Would you like some religion with your brie? “Huffington Post” and “religion” may sound like an oxymoron, but the two are attempting to go together. The liberal blogspot – which regularly features Bill “Religulus” Maher – announced on February 24 that the website was launching HuffPo Religion. Founder Arianna Huffington touted it as being, “a section featuring a wide-ranging discussion about…

HuffPo Religion Editor, a Baptist Preacher, Tells Pat Robertson to 'Go

January 14th, 2010 4:27 PM
File this under "WWJD FAIL."It's one thing for a sainted icon of the secular Left like Keith Olbermann to wish perdition on a controversial American televangelist, but a Christian preacher?Yet that's exactly how Huffington Post religion editor and ordained American Baptist minister Paul Raushenbush went off on Pat Robertson for his controversial "pact with the devil" remarks about this week's…