New Anti-Limbaugh-Beck Group Tied To Ex-Obama Czar Van Jones

November 1st, 2009 8:52 PM
A new left-wing organization created specifically to attack Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs, Pat Buchanan, and Paul Brown has ties to ex-Obama green jobs czar Van Jones.As NewsBusters reported Thursday, was formed to "call out" what it considers "mischaracterizations and hate speech" by the aforementioned quintet.With the assistance of tipster Bret A. Gehring,…

New Coalition Targets Limbaugh, Beck, Dobbs, Buchanan and Brown

October 29th, 2009 5:28 PM
A new coalition was launched Thursday to specifically target conservatives Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs, Pat Buchanan, and Paul Brown.Called, their goal is "to give voice to the millions of Americans who believe it is time for talk-show hosts and elected officials to stop stoking the racial anxieties of the fringes of America."They accuse the quintet of spewing "lies…